
These Are the Average Attorney Fees for Wrong Death Lawsuits

More than 190,000 people die due to wrongful death each year, leading victims’ family members to file wrongful death claims. If you’ve filed a wrongful death claim and are looking to hire a legal team, you will want to know the average attorney fees.

In this article, we’re going to provide you with an explanation of each fee that you can expect to pay after hiring a legal team. Continue reading for everything that you need to know.

What is a Wrongful Death Claim?

A wrongful death claim is when you file a suit to sue someone that you feel needs to be held responsible for the death of another person. Typically, the claim is filed by family members of the person that has been killed.

A wrongful death claim can be caused by various events, including:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Intentional homicide
  • Negligent homicide
  • Car accidents

If you find that someone you’re close to has been the victim of wrongful death according to the list above, you’ll want to begin filing your wrongful death claim.

Attorney Retainer Fees

The best wrongful death attorneys may have higher retainer fees than other attorneys. Unless the attorney isn’t requiring you to pay for their services until you’ve gotten your settlement money.

When hiring your legal team, you need to inquire about fees upfront before hiring the attorney to help with your claim.

Reporting Fees

Another fee that you’ll experience when you’re in the midst of a wrongful death case is the fee that comes with obtaining your medical records. Medical records will be used as evidence to prove that negligence caused the death of the victim.

You’ll also be charged by doctors that your legal team may recommend you use to have medical examinations performed.

Investigator Fees

Your legal representation may often hire a private investigator to collect information about the person that’s being sued. The information that is collected will help build your case and increase your chances of obtaining a larger settlement.

Court Fees

When you begin the wrongful death case, one of the first things you need to do is submit your claim to the court. Submitting a wrongful death claim costs money to submit.

You’ll also be charged a fee to file the claim and fees that will be used to pay subpoenas, depositions, and court reports charges. Before you begin a wrongful death suit, you need to ensure that you’ve got the financial resources necessary to use until you’ve received the settlement from the case.

Average Attorney Fees Explained

When it comes to average attorney fees, you must understand you’ll have to pay for more than just your attorney. You’ll need to consider the fees that are associated with filing your claim and court costs.

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