Interesting topics to discuss with crush to impress

55 Interesting Topics to Discuss with Crush to Impress Him/Her

Topics to discuss with your crush is something we all search for at some point of our lives despite our profession, age and gender as crush has the power to make us speechless. Funny isn’t it?

Well, we are always here to rescue you whether it is about first date ideas, gifts for crush birthday or comments for crush we can help you out.

If you are in the initial stage and want to know them more, build an understanding then you can ask some deep questions with them.

Remember one simple thing while dating your crush or when you ask something just keep it genuine. Making an impression is a good thing but there is always making it fake.

So, if you are planning a long way to travel keep it genuine and don’t expect something very extraordinary from them too, don’t create out-of-the-box expectations from your crush as well let them be who they are.

Some topics worth discussing with your crush:

1. Try having a Conversation About their Childhood

Conversation about their childhood

Childhood is one of the sweetest phases of our lives, filled with stories to share memories to relieve and what not. You can talk and share about each other’s childhood.

Ask about their favorite incidents, how they used to spend their days, their school life and all possible things you want to know.

And genuinely they will ask you back about your childhood too, all memories might not be happy, some can be sad too but that’s okay. This discussion can go for hours and days that can bring you closer.

Here are some questions you can ask related to their childhood:

  1. Who was your best friend in school, are you guys still in touch?
  2. Who was your first crush?
  3. One annoying habit of yours from your childhood.
  4. If I ask a 10-year-old you what makes you smile?
  5. What is the one thing you won’t repeat as a parent that your parents did?
  6. How did you celebrate your birthday as a kid?
  7. Worst marks you ever received.
  8. Worst phase as a kid, if you like to share.
  9. A myth about your college life as a kid.
  10. What do you use to fill in career questions in a scrapbook?

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2. Why Not Talk About Future Plans?

Talk about future plans

Talking to a crush is not always about love or romance or clique things of course it can be a major part. People actually like when you want to hear about their career plans, future planning.

When they share their planning and goal you can add your suggestions and thoughts about the same or vice-versa with this you can have a good discussion. Then they would like to share things and upcoming steps with you on a regular basis because they would know they have someone to discuss the same.

Here are some questions that you can ask from your crus:

  1. Why did you choose this as your career option?
  2. Why don’t you plan for post-graduation abroad?
  3. What will be your next career step?
  4. How do you see upcoming opportunities?
  5. Did you ever regret any career-relatedcareer decisions?
  6. What is the best opportunity you have grabbed till now?
  7. An opportunity you think is worth taking risk.
  8. Did you ever achieve any trophy or prize in college?
  9. Who is your career mentor?
  10. A book that guides you.

3. Food is One of the Best Topic to Discuss

Best topic to discuss

Food is certainly everyone’s favorite topic, especially for a food lover. Discuss about their likes and dislikes in food, their cooking and other possible things. With this, you can get to know about each other’s tastes and choices.

Some similarities might surprise you and some habits might make you happy. Your taste might be opposite to each other or totally similar.

Here is one tip: listen to the answers carefully; this can help you to plan future surprise.

Here are some food-related questions to ask from crush-

  1. Do you like cooking?
  2. Worst dish you ever tried.
  3. Best food experiment.
  4. Do you find cooking as therapy?
  5. When you are sad do you eat more or less?
  6. What do you like to have while watching movies?
  7. What kind of food do you prefer?
  8. What is your favorite dessert?
  9. If I want to cook something for you, what would you like to have?
  10. First dish you search in the menu while ordering in a restaurant?

Also read: Delicious Comments for Food Posts

4. Discussion About their Thoughts Process

Discussion about their thoughts

If you are dating someone or you are talking to your crush it is very important to know and understand their thought process. What is their take on life and certain things, this is one of the most important topics because this brings more clarity about the person you are dating.

Wondering how? It is simple initially you are simply attracted to their personality and how they speak but when you get to know each other you can be very different.

To understand better and create a better bond knowing their thought process, how they deal in different situations and how they treat people around them is quite important.

Here are some questions and topics that you can ask or discuss-

  1. How do you deal with someone’s ignorance?
  2. Did someone ever hurt you a lot?
  3. What changes do you find in yourself as a person now and the one you used to be?
  4. How do you deal with problems and stress day to day?
  5. What importance do your friends hold in your life?
  6. How do you take heartbreaks in your life, do you learn something or simply cut the cord?
  7. How do you deal with a person you don’t like?
  8. Which do you prefer, skipping a safe distance from toxic people or ignoring them completely?
  9. What is your idea of quality time or good conversation?
  10. How do you see the uncertainties and challenges that you face?

5. Conversation on Music

Conversation on music

Music is like an opportunity to impress your crush, believe me. Instagram is filled with music related posts. Once you learn about their taste you can keep on sending similar posts and grab some small talk opportunities.

Music and their lyrics can be a fun discussion and times and on the other hand they can be deeply philosophical too. Sometimes you might find similarities and common songs you listen to and at times it can be two different poles. This can help you later too when they aren’t in a good mood.

You know which song can make them smile or laugh, the song you should be playing on a long drive and so on.

Here are some interesting questions to ask from your crush about music-

  1. If we go on a drive, which song would you like to play first?
  2. The lyrics you think are similar to your journey.
  3. Song that makes you cry?
  4. Your favorite childhood song?
  5. What is the weirdest song you have ever heard?
  6. Let’s exchange our Spotify playlist.
  7. Your favorite composer.
  8. Tell me any 5 songs that tell about your five different moods.
  9. Do you prefer original versions or new versions of old music?
  10. If you get a chance to dance on your dream date what will be the song?
  11. Name the celebrity couple you look at as inspiration when it comes to a lasting relationship.
  12. According to you, what are the most important things in life and a relationship? 
  13. If you want to dedicate a song to me, what it would be. And, why?
  14. What are your thoughts on friendship before a relationship?

Also read: Trending Songs on Apple Music for Every Mood

So, these were some interesting topics you can discuss, but remember one thing: don’t force them to share things they aren’t comfortable with, like something about their childhood or past. Give them time, you can mold the above questions according to you as wel.

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