10 habits of stylish women

10 Habits of Stylish Women You Have To Adopt

There are no women in this world who are born stylish. It’s their choice and selection of attires that makes them look stylish. If you don’t see Stylish women running around with a week old dress or a coffee stained blouse it doesn’t mean things don’t go wrong with them. It’s just they do know how to deal with stuffs like these. To glide with the trends can be done by any living girl in this planet. But selecting attires and other stuffs to stay in the game is different. A girl with a heavy makeup isn’t the symbol of style or trend!!!

Once we come down to the lives of the stylish women we could know that they keep certain habits. And mostly these will be same for almost all of them in this genre too. It’s not about total wardrobe revamp or flashing tons of money to stay with the season trends. These starts from checking the weather to selecting your nail paint.

Let’s have a look at 10 habits of stylish women that you should adopt!!!

1. Planning

We all know how panicky it gets in the morning when we haven’t picked up a dress and we are already out of time. It isn’t rocket science!!! They start by planning the dress they need to wear the night before they need to travel. This saves them from unnecessary wastage of time and concentrate on other stuffs in the morning.

2. Time

They value their time and will always try not to do everything in rush. Rush just makes everything worse. Plan the morning to prep your outfit and fix your hair. Also they make sure to wake up at the 1st ring of alarm.

3. Organized Closet

This is common sense!!! Selecting a dress from a clutter of dresses are more frustrating than shaping tour toe nails. Stylish women keep their wardrobe and jewelry organized so that they don’t get so frustrated in selecting a dress and loves to keep everything clean.

4. Weather Check

Now, this might seem a little weird but these girls do perform a weather check in the morning. This is to make sure that the dress and the makeup they choose won’t be damaged or end up in a complete fashion disaster.

5. Mix Fashion

They don’t stick with any form of fashion. They always try to experiment by mixing fashions and trends to make marvelous piece of arts. Investing in few classic pieces and finding trendier pieces at lower price has always been their specialty.

Stylish women

6. Follow Other Women’s Fashion

We hope you never thought these girls learned to be stylish from magazines or fashion shows. Most of these girls have a habit of observing and following other girl’s fashion and styles. They just try to implement on them the same but with a magic touch of theirs.

Also read: Fashion Trends for women in 2017.

7. Dress According to Occasions

Stylish girls always try to know what the occasion is about or how formal it is going to be. They then plan their outfit according to the occasion so that they could be trendy and stay at the top of their game.

8. Accessorize

They do know how to accessorize according to the outfit they are on. Picking out accessories that blends and amplifies their attire has always been their cup of tea.

Stylish women

9. The Right Undergarments

Exposed bra straps might seem hot and trendy in the movies. But, in real life it just seems weird and awful. Same goes with those visible panty lines. Stylish girls make sure they get the right undergarment that goes with their dress to avoid unnecessary attentions. Choosing the right size is also mandatory and they always keep and extra eye for those.

10. Fit Clothes

They usually don’t wear those baggy and real tight clothes. Selecting the right size has always been mandatory for them. They’ll say their measurements even if you ask them this in the middle of the night.

Every woman has their own taste of fashion and style in them. They just need to figure out what is right and which is the right occasion to wear them. Try following these habits to improve your fashion sense and build your daily routine around this.


Featured Image Credits: FGP

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