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5 Tips to Help You Manage Diabetes

If you’re one of the 37.3 million American adults with diabetes, staying on top of your condition can be difficult. And unfortunately, there’s no fail-safe way of eliminating the need for monitoring, testing, and self-care for this lifelong condition.

However, keeping on top of your diabetes does not need to be a daily chore. Your best approach will likely vary depending on your situation. However, understanding what works best for others can help you find your diabetes management routine.

Let’s take a look at some ideas for how to manage diabetes.

1. Healthy Eating Habits

Start the day with a nutritious breakfast to steady your blood sugar levels, including low-fat proteins and low-glycemic carbs. Make healthy choices by eating lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eat smaller portions more often throughout the day as opposed to large meals.

Avoid skipping meals, as this can cause your blood sugar levels to spike or drop. Eat slower to allow time for your body to signal fullness. There are also specialized protein shakes for diabetics if you want to get full after a busy day.

2. Exercise for Blood Sugar Control

Getting a mix of both aerobic exercise and resistance training is key to a managed diabetes lifestyle. For example, walking or jogging thrice a week for 20-30 minutes can help control blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, weight lifting and resistance bands can help improve insulin sensitivity.

3. Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels

Monitoring your blood glucose levels is one of the essential tips to help you manage diabetes. By keeping track of your levels, you can better understand how food, physical activity, and other lifestyle factors can affect them. Aim to test your blood glucose levels twice or thrice daily and record your results.

Knowing the range of your blood glucose is the key to managing diabetes so that you can adjust your diet, exercise, and medication if necessary. If your blood glucose levels are too high, changing your lifestyle to lower them is crucial. Speak with your healthcare provider if you are having difficulty managing your diabetes.

4. Take Dietary Supplements

Taking dietary supplements can help manage health and eating with diabetes. Before taking any supplement, however, talk to your doctor if you have type 1 diabetes to ensure it’s safe.

Choose quality brands that have the correct dosage and ingredients you need. Take supplements only after meals, as some may impair the absorption of diabetes medications.

5. Managing Stress 

Managing stress is an integral part of managing diabetes. Recognizing that your body and mind are connected is essential; high stress levels can worsen blood glucose control for type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Focus on the positive and what you can control. Set realistic goals and create a plan for how to get there. Take regular breaks and get enough rest.

Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, exercise, aromatherapy, or yoga. Spend time with family and friends, do something you enjoy each day, journal, practice mindfulness or meditation, and ask for help when needed. 

Learn the Best Ways to Manage Diabetes Today

Controlling diabetes is vital for your overall health and well-being. By following a healthy diet, staying active, and taking your medications as prescribed, you can help manage diabetes properly. 

Additionally, monitoring your blood glucose levels and working with a healthcare provider can help you detect diabetes-related complications early and give you the best chance of successful diabetes management. Talk to your healthcare provider today to learn what you can do to help manage your diabetes.

Want to learn more? Visit our website for the latest guides and insights for all your needs today!

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