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5 Signs of Addiction That Everyone Should Know

You have no doubt heard that the United States is in the midst of a serious opioid epidemic. In fact, over two million Americans are abusing or addicted to either prescription painkillers or street drugs like heroin.

That’s not even counting the millions of others who use other illicit narcotics, like cocaine, crack cocaine, or crystal meth, or who are addicted to alcohol.

What are the signs of addiction? It’s important to know so that you can recognize when friends and family members might need help to seek treatment for drug addiction. Read on to learn five of the most common.

1. Excessive Consumption

Maybe you have that one friend who can drink everyone else under the table. Or a classmate who claims to have a high tolerance for pain meds. Of course, everyone’s ability to handle drugs or alcohol does vary, but the ability to consume a great deal without becoming ill or very intoxicated can point to a problem.

2. Ignoring Responsibilities

Frequently calling in sick to work, or routinely showing up late. Skipping a lot of classes. Blowing off commitments like visiting family, volunteering, or doing chores.

When a friend or loved one seems to have lost all regard for his or her responsibilities, there may be an addiction that is to blame. Either they are too drunk or high to be where they’re supposed to, or they’re sleeping off the hangover.

3. Loss of Interest in Other Activities

Remember when your buddy used to love getting together for a game of basketball in the park? Or she spent hours at the museum, admiring the art exhibitions and sketching to perfect her own technique?

If it seems like all your friend wants to do anymore is party, then it could be that her drug and alcohol use has crossed the line from casual to chronic.

4. Becoming Involved with Crime

When someone is addicted, they will do just about anything necessary to continue using their drug of choice, say the experts at this drug rehab. This could mean criminal activity such as burglary, financial fraud, or prostitution.

Sometimes the addict is committing crimes to pay for or otherwise acquire drugs. Or they may resort to desperate measures because they still need to support themselves and their family even though they have lost their job due to addiction.

5. Physical Signs of Addiction

It’s often fairly easy to tell when a person is intoxicated. But many addicts are experts at hiding the signs that they are under the influence. Here are a few indicators that could mean your friend or family member is not just using, but abusing or even addicted to drugs.

  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired coordination
  • Eyes that are bloodshot or dilated pupils
  • Body odor or bad breath
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
  • An overall sickly or weak appearance
  • Lack of personal grooming

Any behavior that seems out of the ordinary can also be a red flag.

Wrapping Up

Once you understand the signs of addiction, you will be better equipped to support your friend. Of course, it’s going to be up to him or her to make the choice to get sober. No one can force an addict to seek help.

If your friend is ready to make some healthy lifestyle choices, send this article to him or her!

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