A credit card has become an essential part of our daily lives because of the utmost ease and convenience offered. You can swipe your credit card to earn reward points, discounts, and cash-backs for almost all products. The biggest advantage offered by a card like Bank of Baroda credit card is that you can make your purchases now and pay later along with offering you a chance to build a good credit score. The card also comes with exclusive benefits like an interest-free period, and other incentives and offers on movies, flight tickets, dining, and lots more.
Ways to make your BoB Credit Card Payment:
Here are the various methods in which you can make bill payments online and offline for Bank of Baroda Credit Card:
Mode of Payment | Method |
BillDesk | ● BoB customers need an online ID that is displayed on the credit card bill
● Customers can then log on to the portal and register free of charge and navigate to the credit cards section to make the payment |
Net Banking/ Mobile Banking | ● For those who have a BoB savings/current account can log in to the net banking portal, register on the portal
● Customers need to be aware of their username and password to navigate through the portal ● Go to the credit cards section, select the amount and make the payment |
NEFT | ● Log in to your bank’s net banking portal and navigate to the Fund transfer section
● Register Bank of Baroda as a beneficiary using the following IFSC Code: BARB0COLABA ● Select NEFT as the mode of payment, enter the amount, and click on pay |
RTGS | ● You can pay your bills up to an amount of Rs 1,00,000. Just mention your IFSC code, credit card number and make the credit card payment |
Visa Bill Pay | · A very convenient method to pay your BoB credit card bills
· Just log on to the portal and navigate to the credit card section. You have the convenience to make a one-time payment or arrange recurring payments throughout the year |
Insta Pay | · Select InstaPay and enter your credit card number
· Enter the name, amount, and contact details and choose the preferred bank through which the payment will be initiated |
Self Service | · You can avail the services of the self-service portal of the bank
· Log in and follow the instructions to pay your credit card bill |
Auto Debit | · You can set standing instructions on your current or savings account by filling out an Auto-Debit Authorization Form to automatically debit the amount towards your bill when it is due. |
Cheque Payment | · You can also draw a cheque payable to BoB A/C (16-Digit credit card Number) |
Cash | · You also have an offline option of paying through cash at any Bank of Baroda branch with a deposit slip (mention the 16- digit credit card number) |
BoB Credit Card Customer Care Options:
In case of any grievances, BoB offers various ways to get in touch with a customer service representative. Mentioned below are different methods to get in touch with BoB Credit Card Customer Care such as:
- Toll-free number
You can call 1800 223 224 for all your credit card related queries 24 X 7 on all working days
- International helpline number
There is a facility for NRIs to contact the bank for any credit card related queries on +91 79-49044100 or +91 79-23604000
- In case your issue is not resolved by calling the toll-free number, there are 3 levels of grievance redressal email addresses that the customer can use to reach out to the concerned customer care authorities. Even then, if the issue has not been resolved, you can reach out to the Head of Customer Service in Mumbai or the VP, CRM with your name, credit card number, and contact details.
In conclusion, the Bank of Baroda offers several ways to make credit card payments and a quick redressal process to help maintain their customers’ loyalty and avoid any inconvenience to them.