Ways to make virtual training sessions engaging for learners?
Ever since the onset of the pandemic, the world has changed for each one of us. The living and the working culture has also evolved. Mostly, everything happens right within the walls of everyone’s home. Adapting to this culture wasn’t easy, but slowly and gradually things started changing. Now everyone is comfortably managing things in this new normal.
The same happened with companies also. Training sessions became virtual training sessions. To keep the audience engaged from a faraway setup was the real challenge.
To combat the above-mentioned problem, we have explained below some ways to make virtual training sessions more engaging and fun.
1. Turn the video on in online meetings
Keeping the video on during the time of training sparks attention. An email can be sent to all learners explaining to them why the need to keep the camera on is important. It also gives them enough time to prepare; as many people can be camera conscious so letting them know beforehand is always a good idea.
Many trainers take help from expert software like Adobe Connect. It’s a software that transforms the virtual experience into a seamless reality. Adobe Connect pricing is realistically set so that many companies can utilize its power and intelligence.
2. Set clear expectations for everyone well in advance
Before starting the session, the learners should have a clear idea that their active participation is needed in the session. Hence, they should be aware and attentive at all times. As the time together is limited, it should be put to proper use.
3. Active participation and engagement
The key to a successful and productive training session is active participation and eager engagement by the learners. The show must not be dead. So, engaging quizzes should be conducted and random questions should be thrown at them anytime to keep them on their toes. The learners will be highly attentive when they know questions can be asked anytime.
4. Give them time to respond
Collecting responses in a virtual setup takes time. So always pause for a minute before rushing to the next question. Let them know their answers are needed. If still there isn’t any response, reframe the question and ask again.
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5. Take proper feedback
Just before starting out the session, let the learners know that they have to submit their feedback and it will add value to the session. Incorporate the feedback in future training sessions for better engagement.
6. Be conversational while speaking
Better engagement is only possible if a conversational tone is used while conducting the session. People respond better when they know you are trying to speak ‘to’ them and not ‘at’ them.
7. Be predictive with actions
To further catch their attention, be a little predictive. Laugh before them when you crack a joke or nod with them while telling something serious. These minute things make a lot of difference and enhance engagement for better learning.
8. Encourage note-taking
Always teach the learners the importance of making notes. This way they can pen down even the minute thoughts and queries and discuss them later for better clarity. It promotes focus and boosts retention. Learners can memorize what they are being taught better.
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Virtual training is a powerful format that enables quick learning when done right. Sometimes, it can also exceed the advantages of a physical set up. As a trainer, all the efforts should go towards making the environment engaging and keeping the audience motivated. Therefore, if the virtual sessions are structured right using the right strategies, it can do wonders in making the training experience a time to remember!