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3 Advertising and Branding Tactics in the Digital Age

Over three-quarters of people living in the United States, and even more in some other countries, have access to and use the internet. We live in an age where online marketing is, more or less, non-optional.

So how does one create an advertising and branding strategy in the digital age? That’s what we hope to discuss today and give some quick, actionable tips.

Use SEO Strategies to Boost Your Ranking

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a highly cost-effective way to get attention on your company. It involves the use of strategies designed to gain the attention of Google’s algorithms, boosting your website’s ranking.

This is a very low-cost approach, scalable to your company’s budget. Additionally, SEO strategies can be fairly momentum-driven. As you gain attention, it becomes easier to gain more attention.

This all said, we recommend you check out the 7 benefits of working with a digital marketing agency if you’re considering SEO. They can help you use your time efficiently and a reputable company is generally more than worth the cost in terms of lead generation.

Social Media Is Great for Advertising and Branding

Another cost-effective technique companies can implement into their digital marketing strategy is the use of social media. Social media marketing is great because the price of entry tends to be free; most sites allow users to make accounts for free.

Social media marketing is about building a following for your company account. The account isn’t just about posting traditional ads; you want it to feel fun and engaging to followers.

In essence, social media marketing involves creating content a person might seek out for entertainment or to stay informed. It requires some creativity but can pay off as your account gains more attention.

Some companies manage to get social media accounts with tens of thousands or more followers. This means every post they make gets thousands of eyes, for free.

Some of these posts can even take the format of a mostly traditional ad, keeping in mind you’re now working with a viewer base filtered through the social media site. As long as the majority of your content is meant to engage at a deeper level, the account remains a win-win for all involved.

Build a Mailing List

A strong online mailing list is one of the best assets a company can have. It may take some time to build but can be a huge boon for your company once developed.

By encouraging customers and those interested in your brand to sign up for a mailing list, you can get the emails of people you know are interested in your various deals and new offerings.

Even better is if you can integrate this list with an account system, using customer purchasing and wishlist habits to better send them deals customized to their wants and needs.

A good mailing list can dramatically boost conversions and is far easier to utilize than a paper mailing list of old.

Want to Learn More?

There is plenty more to learn about advertising and branding online, but we’ve at least managed to touch on three of the most popular and cost-effective options. A good marketing strategy is always evolving as you learn more and gain more resources.

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