Best replies and answers to how are you doing Best replies and answers to how are you doing

111 Best Replies and Answers to “How Are You Doing?”

“I’m fine thank you!, What about you?” If you keep replying with the same routine answer like this, to everyone who asks you How are you, you look no different than the rest of the others. It sometimes feels like a chatbot that is programmed to answer in the same sequence. You definitely do not want to look like that, at least for some close people. 

That’s why, in this article of TrendingUs, we are going to share some of the interesting and the best replies and answers to “how are you doing?”. This way, you won’t make the conversation dull, but you lead it to a great discussion.

Interesting Replies to How Are You Doing?

Interesting replies to how are you doing

First, let’s take a look at some better answers and replies when someone asks how you are doing. Such are indeed good options to use with someone you know or just recently met. 

1It’s all good here. 
2Thanks for asking, I’m good.
3My life is great, how about yours?
4You tell me, How i am doing. 
5So, how are you doing today?
6Thanks for caring, I’m well now. 
7Happy to see that you’re also here. 
8Doing great, what are you doing here?
9Life is good and I’m happy. Thank you. 
10To be honest, not good. Need some help actually. 
11Enjoying life and nothing else. 
12New day, old me, just doing routine stuff. 
13Glad that this day is not that worse. 
14Today I feel blessed and happy for no reason. 

Funny Answers to How Are You Doing?

Funny answers to how are you doing

To answer those who know you and the situation you’re going through, use these replies. Like for your friends and close ones, here are some witty responses and replies to make them laugh, because they know exactly how you’re doing and ask you as par of formality. 

15I was doing great, before you came.
16Oh, what are you doing here?
17You better not ask.
18Not today, please. 
19Surprised, I never thought you’re here. 
20Well, that’s a very interesting question
21I forget who I am. Do you know what I am doing here?
22I’m just tired of complaining about the same stuff. 
23Nothing much, same boring life. 
24I’m not in the mood to answer anything. 
25I bet you don’t want to hear that. 
26Not found anyone today, except me?
27I’ve nothing to talk about. 
28It’s you again, go somewhere else. 

Also read: Best ‘Thank You’ Replies for Birthday Wishes

Creative Answers to How Are You Doing?

Creative answers to how are you doing

When you don’t want to use those boring responses anymore, try this one. No matter whatever the situation is or where you are, these are creative replies to how you are doing. 

29Better. I had a great coffee this morning. 
30Looking good, right?
31Doing good, but not as you. 
32Feeling nice, as I see you also here. 
33It’s just in between good to bad, average. 
34Great, this day is really going awesome!
35I’m doing just as you. 
36Well, I don’t even know what I am doing here.
37That might make you a bit jealous, want to know?
38Better than I need and greater than you think. 
39Looking good outside, but not inside. 
40Why are you interrogating me about it?
41My wifi is not working, please share your password, first. 
42Promise me, you will help anyway after I answer that. 
43Trust me, you really don’t want to know. 
44Oh, so you want to learn how to do this thing?
45Not right now, let me complete this first. Then I will tell, you how am i doing. 
46Well, I just did this and don’t even know why I am even doing this.

Smart Answers to How Are You Doing?

Smart answers to how are you doing

Are you looking for some intelligent and smart way to reply to how you are doing? This list has some good suggestions. Here are some better answers that express your quick-thinking according to the situation you’re in.  

47Just forget about me, what about you?
48In which terms, emotionally or financially?
49I’m doing great, than ever before. 
50Waiting for weekends to come now. 
51Thanks for asking, you’re looking good. 
52It could be better, but i’m ok. 
53Look at me, you know how I am doing today?
54Hope you can feel how I am now. 
55Please fix a meeting by my manager then we’ll talk. 
56It feels like I’m at your clinic right now. 
57Be silent, we are in the library!
58Fine, not sure about my next half hour. 
59It’s top-secret. So, don’t tell anyone.
60My heart is beating and I’m alive.
61Who me? Oh, I’m doing good. Hope you do, too. 
62Everything is just fine. So tell me what do you need?

Sarcastic Answers to How Are You Doing?

Sarcastic answers to how are you doing

This is the dedicated list that you better use with someone who annoys you most of the time or someone with whom you really want to ignore. With these responses you throw your frustration out and actually shut them down, because they’re asking these questions only to irritate you. 

63Who invited you here?
64Oh, you, how do you get to this place?
65I think I have to leave now. 
66Do I have to tell you this, but why?
67I was praying you won’t ask this. 
68Seems like you’ve something to brag about. 
69I’m sure you don’t care about that. 
70Just waiting for you to leave. 
71Don’t disturb me, I’m thinking about something. 
72I only answer in the conference, not here. 
73No personal questions, please. 
74Let me have my meal then I will answer everything. 
75My parents told me to stay away from you. 
76Why do you want to know? Tell me. 
77Actually, I was trying to avoid you. 
78Well, I’m doing better than yesterday. Thanks for asking. 
79Doing good, but not as great as you. How are you doing today?
80Why should I have to tell you and why do you want to know? 
81I am doing great. But you never tell me how you are doing.

Formal Replies “How Are You Doing?”

We have looked at the funny and creative answers to share when your informal connection asks how you are doing. Now, let’s take a look at how would you reply when your formal connection asks the same. Because it’s from your professional connection, obviously you want to keep it formal, but also want to reply to it positively.

82I’m doing fine. Tell me about you. 
83Everything is going great. How is your business going? 
84I’m doing just as perfect as planned. 
85Things are pretty hectic, but I like being busy. 
86I’m very well. Thank you for asking me. 
87This is a quite challenging day. But I enjoy working. 
88I’m doing good. How is your day going? 
89With the support from a teammate like you, I’m doing great.
90It’s going perfectly. How is your work? 
91Faced some challenges in the first half of the day. Now things are fine.

Also read: Quick Replies for What’s Up or ssup

Romantic Answers to ‘How You Are Doing?’

To your partner, you want to express that you are in the best mood when asked by them about your day. You can also use these chances to express that you’re doing nothing but thinking about them. Here are romantic answers you can try. 

92Nothing else, my heart was just thinking about you.
93Counting how many times your thought came to my mind today. 
94Right now, I’m remembering the time when I first time met you. 
95I was seeing a beautiful dream with you in my mind.
96As you’re with me. I’m feeling truly valued.
97My entire focus is right now on you.
98I’m doing Incredible. Just because of you.
99Full of emotions, can’t decide what to tell you.
100Dreaming about our future life together.  
101Right now, I’m talking with my favorite person. 

‘How Are You Doing?’ Reply To Your Loved One’s

When a special person, close to your heart, asks about how you’re doing at the time, you surely want to try these sweet replies. Your responses like these can strengthen your bond and make them smile cutely. 

102My heart is dancing thinking about you.
103Feeling wonderful as you’re in my life.
104I was waiting for your text, and here you are. 
105For the last four hours, I’ve been thinking about you.
106Doing nothing, just feeling awesome as you’re mine. 
107I’m daydreaming about our life together. 
108What else? I ‘ ‘m just thinking of you. 
109Deciding where to take for our next date.
110Fantastic from the day you’ve been with me.
111Reminding me of the best time we had last weekend. 

More, you can also try the ‘truth and dare’ questions for couples for further chat.

How to Tell ‘How You Are Doing?’ 

When someone asks you about how you’re doing, you want to answer it genuinely and honestly. Also, depending on your connection with the asker, you can respond differently from funny,  romantic to professional. 

Why People Ask ‘How Are You Doing?’ 

People ask this question to express care, start a connection, or initiate a conversation with you. This is the most regular question to start interaction with your connection. 

How to Reply in Chat?

When replying to ‘How are you doing?’, you want to express that you’re doing all good or fine. Also, you want to check in which context they have asked you the same, just so you can answer perfectly.

How to Reply to WYD? 

Like someone uses ‘WYD’ to inquire if you’re available or not, you can simply inform them in a short response or one-word comments. You can reply such as ‘Working’, ‘Sleeping’, ‘Nothing’ or ‘Watching a movie’. 

Final Thoughts on Replies for How Are You Doing

Well, so now you have some better responses for How are you doing than just routine one like, “Fine”, “Good, thank you” and all. 

With these lists of better replies and answers you don’t just add excitement to the discussion, but you also make someone’s day with a fresh approach.

Use these answers especially with your friends, partner, and colleague, because with them you really want to have a thoughtful conversation with them. 

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