
64 Compliments for Employees and Teammates

Do you compliment your workers on any great outcome they deliver? If yes, then congrats, you are that one of few leaders that most employees aspire to have.

Indeed, you need to praise your employees for their kindness, hard work, and the progress they’re making, which benefits your company. Don’t forget even your small quality compliments for employees and teammates can make a big change in their work perception.

Working isn’t always easy, and lots of different challenges can arise each day. This is as true for your coworkers as it is for you, so sometimes it can be a good idea to show them just how important they are to you.

Your coworkers will definitely appreciate compliments and other gestures, but it can be difficult to know how to hand out compliments for employees rather than friends and family. If you’re looking for some tips for showing you care, keep reading!

Why Give Coworkers Compliments? Of course, Professional Praises.

Even if you aren’t managing employees, a happy workplace is better for everyone. Part of creating a healthy atmosphere at work is making sure everyone gets on and are at least civil with each other.

By giving your coworkers compliments, you’re boosting morale overall, and can even improve your own job satisfaction too! It doesn’t cost anything to give out compliments, so it’s something that everyone can easily do and can make a bigger impact than you might think.

Not only from the company’s benefits only. But also as part of fulfilling their social needs, compliments are necessary. Similarly, you have work standards for them to maintain, you also require to praise them for every contribution they are making. Knowing, how to praise someone professionally is also a required skill that top management demands to grow along with listening skills.

Choosing Quality Compliments for Teammates

Choosing quality compliments for teammates

It can be difficult to know just how to compliment your coworkers, and of course, it depends on the situation — there are a few things to consider before you go straight in with the compliment.

Whether a colleague has recently received a promotion, has returned to work after illness, or has just been doing a great job, the compliment you give will be slightly different.

Moreover, your relationship with your coworker will also impact the compliment given. Are you on the same level, or do they report to you? Have you built a solid rapport with them, or do you not know each other too well?

When giving out quality compliments at work, you’ll need to consider questions like these. Even your superiors can appreciate compliments from time to time — they’re only human too, after all! If your manager has taken the time to show you how to use a new system or given you some vital training, you can thank them for helping you out.

Be Specific

By giving out specific compliments for employees, showing that you’ve taken the time to really think about the gesture — you aren’t just giving out generic, empty praise. There’s a world of difference between “well done” and a rather more detailed explanation of just how your colleague has impressed you.

Consider what your coworker is particularly skilled at, and their role in the workplace. How does their work help you get yours completed?

Think about yourself, too. Did your coworker really help you out? Tell them how you felt — if they helped you meet a deadline by showing you how to do something, let them know how relieved and grateful you felt at the time.

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Stay Professional While Complimenting

Yes, it’s nice to give your compliments a personal touch, but remember — you’re still in the workplace. Regardless of whether you might be best friends with a colleague outside of work, keep it professional in professional settings.

When giving compliments at work, you should keep them somewhat formal and polite, focusing on what your coworker is doing at work. Choose the time and place too — it sounds obvious, but don’t interrupt a meeting or a similar situation to give your colleague quality compliments.

Of course, you should also refrain from accompanying your compliment with expensive or extravagant gifts. This is generally looked down on, and it’s an area where you need to tread very carefully.

Write a Note

Write a note

Handwritten notes have gone out of fashion somewhat in an age of Google Docs and WhatsApp, but are just as meaningful today as they were in days gone by. Even if you’ve given praise in person, a note on top of that can really reinforce the message and make your coworker feel positive.

If you stay professional but keep the tone casual, your coworker is sure to be grateful, and it’ll really stand out amongst verbal comments and emails.

Alternatively, you could send thank-you cards to coworkers. It’s a common way of showing appreciation that doesn’t cost much and goes a little further than a simple word of praise.

Related: Overview of the BONNAGE Corporate Thank You Gift Catalog

Go to Management

Another way to show your appreciation for a coworker is to praise them to management. Many workplaces will have awards like ’employee of the month’, or systems in place to nominate fellow coworkers who are doing a good job, so this is one option.

Alternatively, a quiet word to the human resources department or their manager can be a great way to show appreciation. Drop some praise into an email, for example. It takes just a couple of minutes out of your day, but can have real benefits for your coworker.

Compliment Alternatives

Compliment alternatives

The traditional compliment is a great way to show you care, there’s no doubt about it but there are other things you can do too. Small gifts can be very meaningful and are definitely something to consider giving compliments to Employees.

Small trinkets like COVID-19 Challenge Coins offer something a little different and allow you to show your appreciation for coworkers at difficult times. You can find out more about COVID-19 Challenge Coins here, as they can be a great gift or accompaniment to a compliment.

You could also write your coworkers LinkedIn recommendations, or talk about them positively to others in your industry. Just like you, they’re trying to make the best of their career, and you can help them go the extra mile just by letting others exactly how great they are.

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Appreciate In Personal, Not As A Group Whole. 

It’s perfectly fine when you address your employees as a group and thank your employees publicly, especially when having a large workforce. Plus, it’s not possible to thank all of them individually. But, as an option, you can send the “Thanking mail” to all your employees, with customized messages for them. Having their name mentioned and with personalized notes, you can successfully make feel them appreciated. That shows that you have value for your employees and their contributions.

On the other side, if you have a small team, with whom you also have a personal connection, then while praising team performance make sure you appreciate teammates personally, also. Compliment each member with their specialties, natures, and contributions to your success. That applicable to small business, agency, department, or to the partnership firm as well. Such compliments for teammates are essential for showing respect to the internal stakeholders, for their dedication and efforts for the company’s progress.

Make Sure Your Appreciation Inspires Others, Too. 

Make sure your appreciation inspires others, too

The purpose of appreciating workers is to show respect to the employee with exponential progress and work contribution. And, that kind of good gesture as well. But, praising someone professionally for their efforts, is always not that simple. You need to look for other consequences as well.

Believe your appraisal for one person or department, can be taken as favoring and nepotism as well. Especially by those who also deserve the same compliments, but not getting it for any reasons. So, look at the broader picture, compliment the right one in the way that no other one can feel low due to not getting appreciation. Quality compliments are to motivate the deserving person, and not to downsize the loyal one.

Have a Genuine Appraisal Program For Employees

Many times that happen when, deserving employees are completely ignored, while appraisal programs. In similar cases, the employee compliments leave a negative impression on employees’ minds and raising the factionalism. That later on ultimately damages the work environment and springs “office politics”.

Promotions, appraisal, and even compliments have to be given based on actual performance. And not based on the personal relationship having with top management. Make sure your appraisal programs are unbiased and inspire others also. Quality compliments are the ones that appreciated the deserving employee. Plus, inspire others to put more efforts to achieve that, next time.

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Show You Care Today

Why give coworkers compliments

These are just a few of the ways in which you can pay your coworkers compliments, and really show them that you care. Deciding on the right compliments for employees isn’t always easy, but becomes more simple when you stop to think about it.

Why not show your teammates just how much you appreciate them today? It won’t cost you much, but can make the world of difference!


Looking for some praise words for employees? Then here we are sharing some suggestions for you, that feel your employees more appreciated.

Sharing Some of The Compliments For Employees, You Can Follow.

If you’re limiting the appreciation of employees to ‘pizza-party’ only, then you need some guidance on how to praise someone for their work.

Complimenting your employees and teammates is nothing, just a positive approach to show them that you value their contribution to the company and proud to have them there. Plus, it’s notably found that most companies who appreciate their employees time-to-time are more likely to keep their employees.

So if you’re worried about your high employee turnover ratio, then lack of appreciation and recognition can be the reason behind it. For your help, here we are sharing some compliments, ideas, and appreciation words to share with your employees to boost their morale and trust in the company.

  1. Thank you for being part of the team.
  2. Your efforts are really paid-off, we have set a new trend in our company.
  3. Indeed, you are the inspiration for our team.
  4. The suggestions you presented, saved us from the disaster. So, thanks a lot.
  5. It’s always great to work with you.
  6. Thanks for always being supportive and for guiding me the right way.
  7. I think that other team members have to learn from you a lot.
  8. Last project has been tedious for us, you can take a break tomorrow.
  9. Only because of your efforts, the company got back on track, again. So thanks.
  10. The company will always be obliged for your efforts.
  11. You are the most trustworthy employee that this company has ever had. (Not recommend at team meetings)
  12.  We trust in you, and the decision you make.
  13.  Do you have any suggestions to improve work productivity?
  14.  Contact us, anytime you need us. We are always available to you.
  15.  That was a big mistake, and we are sorry for that. So, sorry.
  16.  Not for this team only, But for the company you mean a lot.
  17.  You are the contributor, in the company.
  18.  We are getting some great results after having you in the team.
  19.  Stay supportive like this, we have so much learning just because of you.
  20.  This month you have broken your own record of the “Quality works”.

Alternative Ways to say a Great job

Simply saying “Great Job!” is not enough every time. Your appreciation has to feel special, unique, and enough. If you are looking for more phrases and complimenting words to appreciate professionally, then here’re the best suggestions for you. 

Ways to say a great job

  1. We truly appreciate your contribution to the meetings. We’re sure this deal will be ours. 
  2. Your hard work and passion for this job really can be seen with this draft. Go ahead.
  3. Your organizing-skills at work, are highly acknowledged.
  4. That was a great presentation. We admire your efforts behind that.
  5. Like the way, you handle the rejections from clients. Impressive.
  6. I need to take lessons from you on how to stay focused while working. 
  7. Of course, there was a chance. But, glad you turn into a success. 
  8. Indeed, that was a difficult client, but you handled him well. 
  9. This company needs more dedicated employees like you.
  10. Just want you to know that your efforts and passion are truly noticed. 
  11. Fact is, I couldn’t make it right, without your help. So, Thanks for supporting me.
  12. I like your work ethic. So unique and well managed. 
  13. You never fail to amaze and inspire our department. 
  14. I know many employees are inspired by your workstyle.
  15. Oh! What a tough day this was. I’m glad you were with me. 
  16. I am excited to know what you’ll bring in, next. 
  17. As usual, just awesome. Thanks for your help. 
  18. You are a great problem-solver. 
  19. We owe your skills, that’s the real gems of this organization.
  20. Do you know what we have but our competitors don’t? The employees like You all. 
  21. I just want to be like you, Focused, energetic, and patient. 
  22. Working with you is always an excitement and fun to me.
  23. I am glad you ask the right questions every time. 
  24. You learn things fast. I need a masterclass on that. 
  25. I don’t think without your help, we get that far. Thank you, team.
  26. Your presence does matter. Thank you. 
  27. I am still shocked by your performance last week. 
  28. We have the best team in our entire industry.
  29. You and your team play a significant role in a company’s success. 
  30. Our department feels lucky to have you as teammates.
  31. That is a great idea. Let’s make it happen.
  32. I always look up to, because you deliver as promised.
  33. We feel grateful to have you as a leader. 
  34. Feel free to contact us, we’re always here for you. 
  35. Having you on the team does matter, we are so proud to have you with us.
  36. Keep supportive and energetic. We have so much to learn from you. 
  37. May it look easy, but I know you have put great effort here. 
  38. Feeling so proud to work with you. 
  39. What’s something that you can’t do?
  40. You and your teammates are the most reliable in the company. 
  41. Working with you is always fun and inspiring, indeed.
  42. We genuinely appreciate your leadership skills. 
  43. There’re so many things to learn from you. 
  44. Your presence matters a lot to this company.

Final Notes: 

Agreed that, compliments are nothing more than showing gratitude, appreciation, or praise someone professionally, who has done something helpful to you or your surroundings. But, quality compliments work better, than those praises given as part of formalities.

Whether it’s a personal relationship or professional relationship, compliments work every time. It’s a kind of gesture showing the other person, you care for them and value everything, they have done for you. That not only makes them feel appreciated, but also feel them positive and motivated for their selves.

Do you have any compliments to praise someone professionally, to add in the list? Then let us know your suggested “Compliments for  Employees” in the comment section below.

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