How to find instagram filters (via 5 fantastic ways)

How to Find Instagram Filters? (5 Easy Ways)

Thinking of adding creative effects to your posts, but don’t know how to find Instagram filters? 

No worries, now you’re at the right place. Here we are sharing not just one, but the five ways you can search for the popular filters on Instagram. 

Depending on your purpose and preference, Go for the way that suits you. 

How to find instagram filters

1. Find Instagram Filters via Basic Camera Feature

This one is the most popular and easiest way to search for Instagram filters. You may find it through Instagram’s built-in camera. Here are the steps:

  • Step 1: Go to your Instagram app on mobile, Android/iPhone.
  • Step 2: Swipe right or tap on the camera icon on the app home screen.
  • Step 3: Now you will see the list of default filters at the bottom of the screen. You can preview the effect, for that swipe left and right.
  • Step 4: If you want to look for more filters, then tap on the ‘Browse Effects’ (or ‘Explore Effects’) button at the end of the filter list. 

This will take you to the ‘Effect Gallery’, the new collection of filters. These are the filters that other Instagram content creators have used or created. 

2. Browse more ‘Effects’ via Gallery

Well, following the first way, you are on the ‘Effect Gallery’ tab, this is the collection of Instagram filters and AR (augmented reality) effects to explore. 

  • Tap on the ‘Browse Effects’ button from your Instagram camera.
  • In the effect gallery, you can look for the filters by name or look into a particular category.

The list of categories includes –

  • Trending: The most popular and widely used filters for selfies or more.
  • New: The latest effects or filters that were just added by Instagram.
  • AR Effects: The augmented reality has special effects to apply and add various elements to your pictures or videos.

You can also search for the specific filters that you want for your purpose, just type the keyword or effect name. 

3. Search for ‘Filters’ with just Hashtags or Usernames

When you love a particular post from someone, due to its filter and you want to use the same effect, then this is the way to find that filter. 

Follow these steps: 

  • You first need to search for trending Instagram hashtags like #InstagramFilters, #Filters, #selfieFilters, and so on.
  • This will provide you with a list of the posts from people using some favorite filters.
  • Next, tap on their posts or captions, and look for filter names.
  • If you know that particular creator who often uses trending filters, then search for their username on Instagram.
  • Many creators want to create their custom-made filters, you can find it and try it on your posts, as well.

Anytime, you like a filter on another’s post, click on the filter name and it will direct you to the page to use the same on your posts. 

4. Discover ‘Filters’ through Instagram Stories

You don’t have to keep searching for filters, you could use the most trending and popular choice, this way. 

If you see an Instagram story that has your attention, here’s how to find it: 

  • If you like a filter on a story you’re watching, then, tap on the filter name at the bottom left of the screen.
  • This will lead you to the filter page, you can save it for the future. Or you can try it on your picture or story. 

Among all the other, this is the fastest way to search for filters on Instagram, because everyone is using them and you can try on your pictures and videos right away. 

5. Save, Download, and Use ‘Custom Filters’ from Instagram Creators

Many artists, creators, and influencers want to have their custom filters than the regular options. With third-party apps or some tools, they create custom filters and they also allow other users to use the same as well. 

This is how to find the custom filter and use it for yourself: 

  • Visit the particular profile or someone who uses very creative filters or effects.
  • Go to the ‘Effects’ tab, here you’ll find the customer filters they created.
  • Next, you could save this filter and use it later.
  • These save filters you will find in your camera feature, under the bookmark icon. 
  • You can use it whenever you share a photo or video from the saved filters. 

The benefit of this method is that you can find unique and creative filters, as it’s from other creators. You can surely follow famous or favorite influencers to get the latest filters like these. 

Why Use Instagram Filters on Your Posts?

Why use instagram filters on your posts

You could share your pictures and reels or stories without using any filters. But filters are to make your posts look creative and aesthetic. As it adds special effects, it’s like makeup to your picture or video. 

There are many trending filters on Instagram to play. Each has a unique impact on your content. You want to use it for extra focus, to make your post stylish. Lastly, most people love the posts with a special filter on it. 

Final Thoughts

Instagram filters are a way to use your creativity and look more stylish with your posts. But the point is, don’t go for just any filters, you want to use the perfect filter that works well with your content and context. This serves its purpose well. 


Can you create your own Instagram Filters?

Surely, you can. You can use the Spark AR feature on Instagram, to create your filter. You can also make this filter like and share it with your followers or friends. 

Can you use Instagram filters on pictures or videos?

Yes, you can apply Instagram filters to your photos and videos. Also, if it’s a new post while creating or it’s an existing post, you can edit it with filters. 

Which filter to use on your post?

You can search for Instagram filters following the above ways and can use any filter on your posts. But you want to use either of the popular ‘Trending’ filters. To look creative, you can create your filter, based on your post or niche. 

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