
How to Make Your Own Wine Label: The Complete Guide

If you like to make your own wine, it can be a wonderful experience to share that drink you’ve created with friends. But at the same time, it can feel a little strange to show up to a party with an unlabeled bottle. Knowing how to make your own wine label can make your bottle of wine feel every bit as fancy as it is.

Creating your own wine label can also be a fun way to characterize the wine you’ve worked so hard on. Read on to learn what goes into making your own wine labels.

Pick a Theme

The first thing you need to do when designing a wine label is pick your theme. This will dictate the sort of color scheme, imagery, and font you use on the rest of the bottle. There are a few different basic schemes you can choose from for your wine label: classic, fun, modern, and old-timey.

Classic wine labels tend to use neutral color schemes and very elegant free fonts, while fun labels do the opposite. Modern labels play with negative space, go for minimalism, use the materials they’re printed on, and tend towards sans serif fonts. Old-timey labels use vintage artisan techniques, illustrative designs, and ornate fonts.

Choose a Color Scheme

The next thing you’ll need to do is settle on a color scheme for your wine label. Your color scheme will include your label’s background, font, and colors in your illustration. This should be informed partly by the theme you chose and by the color of the bottle you’re using.

Classic and old-timey labels want to go for more neutral and pastel colors. Fun or modern designs can be a little bolder in their color choice, though modern designs should stick to just two or three colors. You also want to think about the overall color scheme you’ll create for your winery.

Pick a Font

With a color scheme and a theme in place, it’s time to go about choosing a font. You probably want to have a couple of different fonts for your bottle: one for the primary name of the wine and one for the other information on the bottle. Remember to keep your overall theme in mind when you’re picking your fonts.

You can get away with a more ornate font on your wine name since it’s big and not too long to try to decipher. But for your bottle information, you want to choose a nice, clean font that is easy to read. Sans serif fonts usually pair well against elaborate fonts, and serif fonts pair well with scripts and other serifs.

Choose Your Material

These days, the material your wine label is printed on is as much a part of the design as any other element. Imagine one bottle of wine with a classic paper label with a little bit of texture, a cream background, and elegant script fonts. Now imagine a bottle with a shiny black label with strategic areas that use a matte finish, those bottles will have very different aesthetics.

You need to decide if you want a matte or glossy finish or a combination of the two. You should think about any embossing or die-cutting you want to use on your bottle. Foil stamping can also be used to give your bottle a hint of glitz.

Add Your Images

Which image you choose for your wine depends on many factors, including your theme and the name of your wine. For example, if you make a cabernet sauvignon that you decide to call Alice after your wife. You may want to go with a picture of Alice in Wonderland, a generic outline of a woman’s profile, a lipstick kiss from your wife, or even a crown (“Alice” means “noble”).

There are several ways you can treat an image to make it fit your bottle theme. If you’re going with a classic bottle, try converting an image you want to use into a sketch style. For modern and fun bottles, go for colorful block prints. And for vintage-style bottles, you want to look for Victorian-style artwork.

Information for the Front

There is some important information that needs to be included on every wine bottle. Aside from the brand name, you also need to include the varietal of the grapes you used and the year they were picked. If you used more than one varietal, include all the varietals you used and in what percentages.

You should also include information about the region the grapes came from and the region where you made the wine. This is especially important if those two regions are different. You need to include the alcohol content of the wine and the volume of the bottle as well.

Information for the Back

On the back of your bottle, you may want to add some flavor notes about the wine or some information about your operation. This is your space to get poetic about your wine, so don’t be afraid to be creative. You can also include serving and pairing suggestions if you like.

The government does require that you put a specific warning about the side effects of consuming alcohol on your bottle. Aside from that, the rest of the bottle is up to what you want to include. You may want to visit this website for ideas about what will help you sell your wine more if that’s what you’re aiming for.

Learn More About How to Make Your Own Wine Label

Knowing how to make your own wine label can make your hobby feel fancier and more official. Don’t be afraid to get creative and have some fun with your wine label design. Use elements that are personal to you, craft an overall theme for your winery and create something that represents the wine you’ve worked so hard on well.

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