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How to Measure the Results Of Your Email Marketing Campaign

Did you know about 333.2 million emails were forecasted to circulate in 2022 alone? Sending emails may still be one of the best ways to reach customers, but its competition is fierce. With the latest technological advances, email isn’t the only weapon marketers have in the fight for traffic.

But even after you declare your emails a success, you need to know how to measure email results. So how do you know if your emails are really working?

Read on to know if your email marketing campaign is successful and how to measure them.

Establish Email Marketing Goals

Measuring and evaluating the success of an email marketing campaign begins before the launch. Businesses should set realistic goals around open rates and click-throughs. You should also start analyzing other metrics to understand how the campaigns perform.

Additionally, establishing goals will enable businesses to track the results. Companies should use tracking URLs and keep detailed reports of their email campaigns.

Determine Appropriate Metrics To Track

Measure the number of unique opens, the read rate (%) of emails, click-through rate (CTR) of links, unsubscribes, bounces, and spam reports.

Tracking the number of sales or actions taken following mailings can also provide valuable insights. It is also important to measure user engagement with the emails, such as how long someone read them and which links they clicked on.

These extra metrics can improve email content, making it more targeted and engaging for readers. Finally, look at return email campaigns and customer surveys. Make sure to improve email deliverability by finding the right automation tools and services as needed.

Evaluate Against Industry Standards

Check marketing with email against industry standards by measuring key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs provide a comprehensive view of how well the drive performs.

Key indicators are open email rates and click-through rates. There are also unique open rates, email engagement, and response rates.

Measuring the cost of acquisition (COA) captured from the email can help you identify the return on investment (ROI). To ensure accurate results, organizations should analyze email bounces and unsubscribes.

Adjust & Relaunch Campaigns for Maximum Success

Measuring digital marketing results is vital to adjusting and relaunching campaigns for success. Your campaign should have a unique identifier and be “tagged” with a software tracking program to have meaningful measurements. This way, you can assess how long a user was on the site, viewed products, and how many were added to the cart or purchased.

Calculating your campaign’s ROI is a good metric. You also want to measure both hard (sales revenue) and soft (brand awareness) success metrics. That way, you can test the success of your email marketing strategies.

Leverage Reporting to Increase Future Results

Measuring email marketing metrics is essential for leveraging future results. A key metric to watch is email open rates to understand whether recipients engage with content. Open rate trends can also show when subscribers are most likely to view and interact with emails.

Additionally, track email click-through rates to determine which links drive readers to take action. These can give you a view of what topics resonate with them.

Measure and Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign

Measuring the results of an email marketing campaign is vital to determine its effectiveness. You can use key metrics to measure a campaign’s success, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Knowing these data helps marketers determine if their email strategies are on the right track and adjust accordingly. So start measuring your own and launch wisely!

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