
How to Stay Safe When Riding a Bike (And What to Do if You Get Hurt)

Not too long ago, riding a bike was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. These days, however, it seems like riding a bike can be downright dangerous.

Cities all around the United States have seen an increase in bicycle-related injuries and deaths. As a result, your safety has become even more essential than ever.

Read on to learn how to stay safe when riding a bike. Then, be sure to read what to do if you get hurt.

Wear Proper Gear 

It is important to remember to always wear proper gear when riding a bike. This means donning a bike helmet, elbow and knee pads, and bright clothing to make sure you are visible and protected.

Going faster will also require more protective gear, such as goggles and a full face shield. If you ride at night, make sure you have a light and reflectors. 

Follow the Road Rules

Bike safety tips you should always follow the road laws and rules for your safety and the safety of others. It is important to obey traffic signals, ride with traffic, and use defined bike paths where available.

You should never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you are riding in a group, you should ride single-file and at a steady, predictable pace.

If you do get injured while biking, you should stay calm and assess the situation. If you need medical assistance, it is important to call for help and seek proper medical treatment for your injuries.

Know Your Hand Signals

It is important to know your hand signals for cycling safety. Signaling will enable other cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians to be aware of the bike’s movements. 

Once on the bike, stay alert and mindful of your surroundings. Avoid riding in high-traffic areas as much as possible. 

When entering intersections, use your right arm and hand to signal to drivers and pedestrians alike. Proper knowledge and practice of hand signals will help reduce the number of bike accidents and keep riders safe.

Check Your Equipment

Biking safety before each ride, it is important to always inspect your equipment. Make sure the brakes are working properly, the chain is lubricated, and the tires are properly inflated.

Look for any signs of wear and tear and make sure your position is adjusted so it is comfortable for you. Test the horn, bell, or other safety device and make sure it is functioning correctly.

How to Handle an Accident

If you do find yourself in an accident, assess the situation and call 911 if necessary. If you can, check yourself and your bike for any potential injuries or damages, and be sure to report the incident to the authorities as soon as possible.

Take pictures of the scene, record eyewitness accounts, and obtain the contact information of any potential witnesses. Reporting the incident quickly can go a long way in helping you receive the compensation you deserve in the unfortunate event of an accident. You should also consult a bicycle pedestrian accidents lawyer for your legal options.

Stay Safe When Riding a Bike 

Make safety your priority and practice proper safety protocols while riding a bike. Be vigilant when crossing intersections, and be mindful of other drivers, pedestrians, and animals that are also on the road.

If you ever find yourself in an emergency, call for help and follow basic first aid protocols until medical attention arrives. Remember, safety comes first: use the proper safety gear and etiquette to ensure a safe ride.

For more safety and health tips, check out the rest of our blogs.

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