
How to Surf: 5 Things Every Beginner Surfer Needs to Know

Every surfer knows the feeling. The freedom of riding the ocean waves. The exhilaration of catching a wave perfectly. The satisfaction of keeping your balance.

If these feelings are something that you as a beginner surfer chase, then chances are you’re in the market for some surfing techniques and tips. Put simply, catching a wave the right way is no easy feat.

To help you figure things out quickly, we’ve written up a quick guide on how to surf. We’ll discuss practical aspects of the surfing motion as well as general advice that you need to know as you figure out how to learn how to surf.

1. Get a Board That’s Right for You

The first thing that you need as a surfer is a surfboard. And not just any surfboard. Instead, it’s important to be aware that surfboards come in different shapes and sizes.

If you want to give yourself the best chance for success right from the get-go, then you need to be using a board that is appropriate for you. This means a board that is appropriately sized as well as one that is made for beginner surfers.

When you start your surfboard-searching quest, be sure to keep both of those things in mind. The best way to buy a surfboard is in-person at a shop, where you can get measured for the right board.

2. Know Surfer’s Etiquette

There are a few unwritten rules of surfing that you need to know. The last thing that you want to do is look like a fool or ruin someone’s day by violating these rules.

The first thing is the rule of one surfer per wave. Don’t catch someone else’s wave. Let them ride it through. Secondly, don’t paddle around people — wait your turn. Last, always be sure to be very polite and respect the ownership of resident surfers.

3. Find the Right Surf Spots

As a beginner surfer, you want to go to beginner-friendly surf spots. This may mean that the waves are not nearly as high as some of the harder spots, but it also means that you have a higher chance of success. Learn to crawl before you can try to run.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

The great thing about the surfing community is that people are generally always willing to help. Thus, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Everyone was once a beginner themselves, and they had folks help them out with sage advice.

For the best experience, go out on International Surfing Day when you’re bound to meet a bunch of experienced folks!

5. Fully Commit

Last but not least, when you go to surf a wave, fully commit. Nothing ruins a surfing experience quite like hesitation.

How to Surf for Beginners

There you have it — now that you know how to surf as a beginner, all that’s left is for you to get the right board and get out there on the waves!

For more general lifestyle advice, be sure to check out the rest of the articles on the website before you leave!

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