Why renewable energy is more beneficial Why renewable energy is more beneficial

3 Reasons Why Renewable Energy Is More Beneficial In 2021

For the past decade, renewable energy campaigns have been emerging fast as more countries develop and produce renewable energy. As a result, more consumers and businesses convert and adapt to greener energy.

Fossil fuels are still the main source of our energy today, with more than half of the consumers still using non-renewable energy resources. Fortunately, as more programs and awareness drive about clean and green energy becoming visible, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is becoming inevitable, too.

Many considerations and factors still need to be discussed to achieve a greener energy future. It is an important step to take further because the majority of consumers want green electricity. That is good news. So, why renewable energy?

Why is Renewable Energy Significant?

Renewable energy has generated power to allocate enough for consumption up to 11% of primary energy on a global scale in 2019. It was also the year where reusable energy produced had reached a milestone. These are from the collective consumption from solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal, with the most produced from hydropower technologies.

Solar and wind energies are the major renewable energy source in the US since 2017, with California and Arizona leading its production. The green energy produced makes up 10% of the generated electricity, with 8% coming from solar energy and 2% from wind energy. With solar panels becoming more accessible and cheaper and wind turbines, it has become attainable, making consumers and businesses invest more.

Another significant source of reusable energy is hydropower energy. Hydropower energy is the largest renewable energy generated globally, which amounts to 60% of the energy. Additionally, 7% of global energy comes from hydropower, while 16% of global electricity is from hydropower. It is not surprising since bodies of water are the most abundant natural resource we have.

Hydropower has the most potential to harness as renewable energy, and it has become a great competitor against fossil fuels. It is a sustainable green energy source with lesser to no carbon emissions and pollution.

On a global scale, its capacity increased from 2008 to 2017. The top countries that produce hydropower are China and Brazil, with 341.1GW and 100GW produced energy, respectively. Other top countries that produce hydropower are the USA with 102GW, Canada with 81.4GW, and Russia with 51.1GW.

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What are its benefits, and how do these impact?

Renewable energy makes up almost half of the total power globally generated because it is seen as a high potential energy source with lesser negative impacts in return. This energy is more economically and environmentally safer compared to conventional energy sources.

Renewable energy is economical because it creates more job opportunities, especially on the local and rural scales. It creates more job opportunities and promotes the local labor force, investment, businesses, and tourism. These energy technologies require more human resources to maintain and develop than fossil fuels, which rely on huge types of machinery and infrastructures.

It also reduces greenhouse gases and carbon emissions that cause global climate change than fossil fuels produced for the past centuries. The long-term effects of green energy can promote public health and environmental conditions. There are some considerations to note because these energy facilities are environmental-sensitive to install.

Additionally, green energy makes energy resources more accessible and serves as a competition for fossil fuels. It is cheaper to produce, making it more affordable for the consumers. For instance, solar panels are much available in the market and are easily installed in a household. Investing in water-processing technologies to recycle household wastewater helps generate sustainable energy, too.

Green energy is more profitable and beneficial in the long run. It is more affordable than fossil fuels and serves as an alternative energy source, accessible for communities and areas with more access to renewable resources. Most importantly, it is a resilient and reliable energy source that can generate power that does not rely on a centralized power grid to supply. It minimizes power shortages and cutoffs.

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The Clean and Green Path

Switching to renewable energy to power homes and businesses is a recommended measure nowadays since more consumers are inclined to have greener electricity. It is not an easy process as it needs a lot of research, investment, workforce, and time to operate. However, these are achievable.

The first step to make is calculating electricity loads. This way, consumers can pinpoint the average power consumption, including the daily to yearly records of energy costs and loads in a household. Determining them will help choose the efficient size and costs needed to have a renewable system. It also helps in reducing the overall energy costs.

Another way to tap into renewable energy is by choosing the right reusable energy technology. There is considerable renewable energy available now, but a basic understanding of each is important. Consumers need to know the reusable energy resources’ availability, its costs, installation and maintenance considerations, and local codes and regulations to partake.

These renewable energy technologies are solar electric systems, small wind systems, hydropower systems, and hybrid solar and wind systems. Additionally, consumers can also sell back the excess energy they produce to the local electrical grid to reduce their energy costs.

The Bottomline

Renewable energy is the future of sustainable energy. Aside from the biggest benefits consumers and businesses can get, which is cheaper energy cost, and it is also becoming a tough competitor for fossil fuel energies. The global dependence on fossil fuels will slowly diminish if all community sectors will adapt to greener energy, improving the overall quality of life throughout the years to come.

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