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Six Subtle Signs of a Rat Infestation

Your realtor said the home is fine and there’s nothing to clean up. What do you do?

Rattlesnakes can infest your home, eat your insulation, and die in your walls. Rodents can be a sign of a bigger issue in your home, rotting the wood floors and infrastructure within.

Luckily, you can prepare with these six subtle signs of a rat infestation to have your house inspected. Read on!

1. Noises in the Walls or Attic

Noises in the walls or attic can be one of the most obvious, yet all too often overlooked, signs of a rat infestation. Rats are active throughout the day and night and make a variety of noises such as scratching, scurrying, and squeaking.

Longer, more sustained gnawing noises often occur as rats try to gain access to a home or build nests. Also, look for holes or chewed areas around where you hear the noise.

2. Droppings

These droppings tend to be oblong and cylindrical in shape, usually up to one-quarter of an inch in length. They may be found on flat surfaces, as well as in corners, behind boxes, and even in cupboards and cabinets.

In addition, these droppings can also appear on furniture, walls, or floorboards and can sometimes lead you to a nest. 

3. Gnaw Marks

Gnaw marks are one of the top subtle signs of a rat infestation. Rats have sharp teeth and will gnaw on pretty much any soft material such as wood, wallpaper, tiles, wires, and furniture.

It’s common to spot gnaw marks on wood, fabrics, packaging, and corners of walls and other places where rats are likely to enter and leave. Gnaw marks can be identified by rough chewing patterns, saw-like marks, and holes in soft materials.

4. Rub Marks

Rub marks are one of the more subtle signs of a rat infestation. Rats enter through tiny spaces and radiate from their point of entry to explore their surroundings.

They move along walls and pipes which can leave behind greasy marks generated through their oil and dirt. If these rub marks appear, there is a possibility that a rat infestation has occurred. 

5. Urine Stains

Urine stains are an easily overlooked sign of rats. Rats mark their territories and trails with urine, causing unsightly stains as well as a strong, musky odor.

Urine stains will be most visible in areas with poor ventilation such as attics, basements, crawl spaces, and corners. Aside from the obvious rat odor, you may also smell ammonia in damp locations, signifying that the rat infestation has been around for some time. 

6. Nesting Material

These materials can include shredded paper, twigs, fabric, cardboard, and grass. A good place to look for signs of nesting materials is in the attic or garage corners, under furniture, and behind cupboards and appliances.

Additionally, rodent nesting material can sometimes be found around the exterior of the buildings, near vent openings, and between walls. It’s best to contact a top-rated pest control service linked here for professional assistance.

Avoid Rat Infestation Today

A rat infestation can cause significant problems, so it is important to monitor for signs in your home. If you suspect you may have a problem, don’t hesitate to take action.

Reach out to a pest infestation expert to arrange for a thorough inspection of your home. Taking preventive measures now can save you time and money in the long run.

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