10 things you must do to be happy this christams santa clause trendingus

10 Things You Must do This Christmas To Be Happy!

It’s the end of a legendary year 2015 and 2016 is all ready to boost up! As Christmas is around, we all wish to leave our sorrows away and feel the happiness to the cores of our heart.  Breaks for festivals add happiness to our rushing life, don’t they?

Below are 10 things you can do this Christmas to make yourself happy, happier & may be the happiest:


1. Be a secret Santa and surprise everyone:

Out of nowhere, rent a Santa costume, go to your pals’ & relatives’ houses & surprise them. Let them guess who you are and have fun with them.

Trendingus be a santa christams

2. Try singing Christmas jingles to people

“Hello, who is this? “

Hi, This is Santa here and I wanted to sing something to you,
“Oh jingle bells jingle bells
jingle all the way!
Oh what fun
it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh, hey!”

Just imagine, wouldn’t you have a smile on your face if some did this to you? So, don’t wait up and do it.


3. Try getting a new look

Let the hairs be in a rocky style, let the clothes be little out of style and let the wayfarers rest, bring the aviators back! Yeah, try this – Get a new look, meet people & shock them. Enjoy the festival.

Santa new look by trending us

4. It’s Shopping time:

Go out, search Christmas discounts and shop! Buy clothes, food items, accessories, gadgets & anything that makes you happy. It’s fine to run a little out on savings this time.

Trending us shopping bags

5. Giveaway things:

You see a t-shirt you are never wearing? Give it up!

Food items at parties going in trash? Wait pack it and find the needy! Give it up!

Give many more things that can make you happy, buy chocolates and share among poor children, go to slums and help them with household products, and many more things.

Also try serving people, hold a blind man’s hand and help him to his destination.

Go to your watchman’s cabin and make tea for him and share with him over a talk.

Listen to sorrowful stories and sooth the needy.

We are sure this will not only bring a smile on their face but also a satisfaction to you.

Trending us giving away and making people happy

6. Forgive, forget & carry forward the learnings:

A year is not a moment, it’s an album of 365 pages and all pages are not bright! Some are dull and some are doleful. Some people, some places & some instances.

Leave them in this year, take with you the learning you had with the experiences. Forgive and give them a chance. Light up the darker corner of your mind!

Trendingus forgive and forget

Recommended read:  Things Happy People Never Forget

7. Take a break:

Students who study with pressure, aspirants who aspire days and nights, businessmen who can’t turn their phone off, to all of them “Hey, take a chill-pill, take a break “. Remember you don’t wanna look like early Hrithik Roshan of ZNMD, working all day everywhere!

Take a break and Get back with fresh full strengths!

Trending us take a break vacation

8. Try the UNTRIED!

Travel to new places, go to different churches, Try the never tried dishes & chocolates!

Do everything that you wished to do and haven’t done till now. Decorations of churches will breathe fresh happiness in you, New places will be thrilling adventures and lot of learning & Untried dishes will seduce your taste buds to the fullest! Surely, the untried will make you happy this Christmas.

Explore and try new thinngs trending us

9. Get in touch with old buddies and surprise them with a wish

There is a part of our contact book that we rarely surf! Those names our in our minds but we don’t know when were the last memories with them! It’s time to make new memories with them. Call them, try saying Chinese and let them realize you are happy and you miss them. Wish them a very happy Christmas & upcoming year!

Trending us calling old buddies!

10. Know the facts behind Christmas celebration:

It doesn’t make any sense to celebrate everything without knowing the reasons behind the same. It’s an exciting story how virgin marry conceived Jesus and wonders that happened with it.

Click here to know the full Story of Birth of Jesus Christ.

Trending us birth of jesus

Let the special ones know how special they are! Let’s say bubye to the year with a smile on the face and memories in the mind!

  1. I loved it I will surely do this. Thnxx for making my Christmas better. Merry christmas…

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