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The Ultimate Guide to the Different Types of Glasses

Nearly 200 million American adults use some form of vision correction.

If you’re new to glasses, you might be wondering what sorts of glasses you might need. There are a lot of correction options out there for people with a variety of vision differences. 

Well, we’ve got the information you need. Read up on the types of glasses you may want to consider.

Non-Prescription Glasses

Some people wear glasses solely as a fashion choice, and either have perfect vision or use contact lenses. These people wear non-prescription glasses since their glasses don’t correct their vision.

If you wear contacts under your non-prescription glasses, you might want to look into Contacts Coupons to save yourself some money. 

Single-Vision Prescription Glasses

These glasses are for fixing one specific problem with your vision in one way, usually either nearsightedness or farsightedness. That means that these lenses cost less money than more complicated prescriptions, and they’ll fit into a wider range of glasses.

So, you’ll have more glasses options in terms of your style choices.

Reading Glasses

Reading glasses are, well, for reading. It can get harder to read things close up as you get older, which is why many people require reading glasses as they age.

Reading glasses are unique since you can often pick up a pair without a prescription.

Bifocals and Trifocals

These glasses are divided into different zones, so that they can correct your vision in multiple ways.

In bifocals, you’ll be able to see far away from the top part of your glasses and close up from the bottom part. Trifocals keep the near and far zones, but they add a third part of your glasses so that you’ll be able to see things at medium range.

Progressive Lenses

In bifocals and trifocals, there’s a clear line between each zone. Progressive lenses don’t have this line, and instead seamlessly transition to the next zone. 

There are also different types of progressive lenses, to suit your eyesight and what you need to use them for.

Computer progressive lenses, for example, are best suited for the workplace. If you tend to spend a great deal of your free time exploring the great outdoors, you might want ground-view progressive lenses, so that you’ll always be able to see where you’re going. 

Transition Lenses

If you have very light-sensitive eyes, you might want to consider transition lenses. These are lenses that change in the light, so they become sunglasses when the sun hits them. These can be very convenient, but they do have their drawbacks.

They don’t always revert back to clear very quickly, which can be rough once you go inside. And they’re not as flexible in terms of fashion as if you have separate glasses and sunglasses.

Now You Know the Types of Glasses

Hopefully, you have the information you need to choose the right types of glasses for you.

Are you searching for more advice? Check out some of our other articles on fashion, beauty, and so much more.

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