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Is an Above-Ground Pool Right for You?

You’re tired of spending your hot summer days indoors. You’re thinking about installing a pool. The only thing left to do now is to decide between an underground pool and an above ground pool.

Fortunately, this article can help you to make your decision. Below, we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of above ground pools, in particular, helping you decide whether it’s the right type of pool for you.

Let’s go!

What are the Benefits of an Above Ground Pool?

The benefits of above-ground pools are many. We’ll discuss the most prominent of their benefits below.

They’re Affordable

Though above ground pools aren’t exactly cheap, they’re not exactly expensive either. They can typically be installed for between $1,000 and $3,000, a very affordable price when compared to the $30,000 to $50,000 range that characterizes in ground pool installation.

For many homeowners, above ground pools are the only legitimate option. After all, not many have $30,000 to $50,000 just laying around.

They’re Quick to Install

Another benefit of above ground pools is their ease of installation. These pools can generally be installed in one or two days. This is in contrast to underground pools, which typically take between seven and 10 days to install.

So, if you don’t want a construction crew digging in your backyard for a week or longer, you would be wise to opt for an above ground option.

They’re Available in a Variety of Styles

When you think of an above ground pool, you probably just think of a big circle. However, in truth, there are a variety of different above ground pool layouts for you to choose from.

There are ovals, there are rectangles, there are squares. There are even weird, asymmetrical styles available out there. So, regardless of your preferences, there is likely an above-ground pool that will suit your fancy.

They’re Available in a Variety of Sizes

Not only are above-ground pools available in a variety of styles, but a variety of sizes as well. The smallest above ground pools can be purchased at dollar stores for around five bucks. The biggest measure is at 40 feet x 20 feet and have depths of up to 6 feet.

No, you won’t be able to create a deep end. However, you will have plenty of room to move around. And when it comes to backyard summer fun, that’s all you really need.

They’re Relatively Safe

Every pool poses a potential danger. Drowning is a possibility even in a foot of water. But, on average, above-ground pools are much safer than underground pools.

The reason for this? There are a few.

For one, above-ground pools are difficult to accidentally fall into. Because they possess high walls, they can only be entered by those who are choosing to enter them.

For two, above-ground pools are fairly shallow. They don’t possess a deep-end and therefore reduce the risk of cramp and diving-related drownings.

For three, they’re now as big as underground pools. So, regardless of where you are in an above-ground pool, you’re always fairly close to a lifeline.

If you have kids, or if you plan on swimming alone, you would probably be better off with an above-ground option. Over the long-run, an above-ground pool will help to stave off tragedy.

They’re Simple to Maintain

Keep in mind, maintaining a pool—regardless of its type—requires a bit of work. Note, though, that, when compared to underground pools, above-ground pools are generally easier to maintain.

This is generally just due to the volume of the two types of pools. Above ground, pools possess less volume, and therefore less water. Because they possess less water, they can be cleaned more quickly and with less effort (not to mention less money).

Note, though, that if you don’t have a deck around your above-ground pool, maintaining it can be a little difficult. It’s easiest when you can stand on a platform that enables you to look down into the pool.

How to Keep Above Ground Pools Clean

Now, you might be wondering this: what does above-ground pool maintenance entail? We’re going to discuss the components in detail below.


The most regular part of above-ground pool maintenance is skimming. This is when you run a net through the water as a means of removing miscellaneous debris. This needs to be done every few days and, depending on the positioning of the pool, might even need to be done daily.

Adding Chemicals

There are a number of chemicals that you need to add to a pool in order to keep it sanitized. These chemicals include sanitizers, oxidizers, and water balancers, and might include clarifiers, enzymes, and stain removers as well. There are also pool opening chemicals that you can purchase online. This is something that you should do especially in these pandemic times, where people are limited to go outside the house.

Some of these need to be added weekly, some of these need to be added monthly, and some of these need to be added yearly. They’ll generally cost you a few hundred dollars a year.


You’ll also need to test your pool to ensure that its conditions are safe for humans. This includes testing not only its pH balance but its chlorine levels as well. If its levels aren’t where they’re supposed to be, you’ll need to add additional chemicals.


Above ground, pools are equipped with baskets and chambers to collect miscellaneous debris. To keep your pool as sanitary as possible, you’ll need to empty out these baskets and chambers every week or so. The longer you take to empty them, the less sanitary your pool will be.

An Above Ground Pool Comes With Plenty of Advantages

If you’re looking to stay cool in the summer, an above-ground pool might be just the thing you need. Though they’re not perfect, these pools offer plenty of benefits and are well worth the time and money.

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