Getting ready for your first date

8 Tips to Remember Before Getting Ready for Your First Date

First dates can be amazing but also quite scary. After all, you are meeting the person you like for the first time (at least, in a romantic atmosphere) and want to make a great first impression. That can cause you to stress much, become clumsy, or do something stupid. However, don’t worry – we’ve got your back.

In this article, you will find some helpful advice for preparing your first date. Our best tips include getting a nice haircut, applying light makeup, choosing appropriate clothes, packing your purse, thinking about topics to talk about, and many more. So read on and get ready.

1. Don’t wear clothes that aren’t flattering to your figure

You need to feel great in whatever you wear. Wearing clothes that aren’t flattering to your figure can make you feel insecure and make you want to hide your body or avoid certain movements. If this is something you think might be happening, try something else on or get a different size. You should always feel confident and sharp when you go out on a date.

Before you go out on the first date, make sure you choose an appropriate outfit for your date that will flatter your body type. This will help increase your confidence as well as make you look great. If you are dating someone who is really into fashion or has an amazing sense of style, this will also benefit you because you will learn from them!

2. Don’t wear too much or too little makeup

Remember, less is more, even when it’s about the makeup. Makeup should enhance your features but not take away from them. You also want to make sure that you aren’t wearing too much perfume or cologne because it will give the wrong idea.

3. Don’t wear too much jewelry

Jewellery can be a great accessory, but make sure that it still complements your outfit instead of taking away from it by being too loud or distracting. Again, less is more, so err on the side of caution with the number of accessories you wear. You don’t want too many accessories to take away from your outfit, but you don’t want your outfit to overpower your accessories either.

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4. Get a haircut

Getting a nice haircut is one of the best things you can do for a first date. Your hair is something you’re going to be relying on for most of your date, so make sure it looks good.

If you have long hair and don’t want to cut it short, consider getting a fresh haircut. Ask your stylist if they can give you a fresh look that will make you look and feel great. If you can’t get to the salon, you can get a pair of high-quality scissors online from a site such as and get a family member or friend to give your hair a trim.

5. Pack your purse

Make sure you pack all the necessary things in your purse before you go on a date. This includes emergency contacts (with your location), phone numbers of other people that can help you if something happens (parents, siblings, best friends), and money in case you need to take a taxi home or buy something quick at your destination.

6. Think about topics to talk about

Before you go out on a date, prepare yourself by thinking of topics you would like to talk about. Write these down and keep them in your purse so that you have them when needed. This way, you won’t panic if you run out of things to say! If this becomes a problem, later on, try asking questions to spark conversation and get him/her talking.

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7. Be yourself

As tempting as it may be, don’t try too hard on the first date. Be yourself and be authentic – this is how people like you! Show your true personality and let the person get to know you better as the date progresses. If he/she likes you for who you are, even better! If not, then just move on and find someone who does!

8. It’s okay if he/she doesn’t pay

Unless he/she insists on paying for everything, it is perfectly fine if he/she doesn’t pay for anything on the first date. If they do pay, then don’t freak out! Enjoy yourself and feel free to thank them for the meal/drinks/movie/whatever else because they were very kind to do so! You can offer to pay for something later on if you want to repay their kindness.

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Going on a first date can be pretty scary, but it’s also super exciting – after all, it’s your first time meeting the person you like in a romantic atmosphere! If you follow our tips, you will reduce your stress and make sure that everything is perfect. You can also use this advice if you are going on a second or third date to make a good impression.

Have fun out there!

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