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Top 3 Tarot Cards That Indicate Love is on the Way

You might be preparing for your next tarot card reading with hopes of seeing some love in your future. If you’ve got love on the brain, you need to know which love cards to look for.

Whether it’s your best friend, boyfriend, wife, or neighbor, we all want a little love in our lives. And maybe some extra help from the tarot cards might just do the trick.

1. The Lovers

Need we say more? The Lovers tarot card is the most significant when it comes to your love life. This card represents a unique bond and connection between you and the most important person in your life. It also shows significant amounts of harmony and balance between you and this person.

This is good news for you if you want to know if the person you’re with has the potential to be your soulmate. It can also signify the opportunity for love between you and another individual.

While this card indicates a strong and intense love, cards like the Knight of Wands love meanings are quite different indicating that you should slow down before rushing into a relationship.

No matter what your current relationship status, this card is significant because it shows that you’ll have a deep, meaningful, and longlasting relationship with your partner.

2. The Two of Cups

The Two of Cups card signifies the commitment between two people, often in the form of a monogamous relationship.

You’ll find that people who receive this card in their reading experience a partnership where both individuals choose to put their own happiness aside for the happiness of their partner.

The basis of this card comes from a relationship that is not only founded in love but is built on a solid friendship. A lot of compassion, respect, and understanding is found in these types of relationships.

All of these traits are paramount in forming a longlasting romantic relationship. The image on the card shows that a man and woman exchange cups, thus pledging their love to one another.

3. The Hierophant

Often, the Hierophant card in a reading signifies that a wedding is in your future! Not only this, but it shows strength in a relationship that is encompassed in tradition.

There are a variety of different meanings this card could have. Some range from a strong sense of commitment in your relationship to the involvement of religion in a wedding ceremony.

The Hierophant card might also signify a relationship that rooted in tradition. Whether that is traditional roles within a relationship or looking to those around you to show you what a conventional relationship and marriage looks like.

Love Cards on the Brain

Even when the universe seems to be on your side, it doesn’t hurt to get a little help from the love cards as well. Whether you’re hoping for a proposal or just looking for a partner in crime, it’s all in the cards… literally.

Tarot cards give you insight into bigger parts of your life and help weave them all together. Read more about how all tarot cards play together and which ones you should look for in your next reading.

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