Truth & dare questions Truth & dare questions

345 Interesting Truth and Dare Questions To Try Over Text

Truth & Dare Questions are the best option to spend quality time doing some fun things, at occasional gatherings or weekend parties with close friends.

You know the rule of this game, where one player asks the other, Truth or Dare? And if a person opts for Truth then he’s supposed to answer honestly to any question. And if a person chooses Dare, then he must be prepared for the challenging act given by others.

Indeed, the game is quite fun and a good time to spend with friends. But the main part of the game is on deciding, which questions to be asked? And which dare  to assign? So here sharing our top picked Truth and Dare questions for your party game.

Truth or Dare Questions to Ask a Guy or a Girl

Questions to try, if you choose “Truth” while playing truth and dare.

Truth or dare game

    1. Be frank…Who is the one you hate the most in this room?
    2. Have you played Adult card games at your family gatherings?
    3. Name that horror movie that scared you the most?
    4. Your one habit that you just can’t get rid of…
    5. Are you a Bathroom singer?
    6. Share your embarrassing moment from school days, that we don’t know?
    7. Accordingly to you, what is true love?
    8. Have you created a fake Facebook profile to track that anyone?
    9. Chance of your marriage with a current girlfriend. (Give percentage)
    10. What will you do if you have a million dollars in the bank?
    11. Internet or A/C, which one do you prefer?
    12. Which is the best compliment given to a girl?
    13. What will you do, if you get a chance to go five years back from now?
    14. One dirty thing, you will regret the entire life because of doing it.
    15. The creepiest dream you just can’t stop thinking about.
    16. What is that, you are most afraid of?
    17. This is your last day on earth, what will you do in the remaining hours?
    18. If the killing was legal, who’ll be your first target?
    19. Are you still watching cartoons?
    20. The silliest names of yours, that we don’t know.
    21. Will you vote for the current president to win again?
    22. Are you using filters on every photo before uploading?
    23. Do you maintain a personal diary?
    24. Celebrity, you just obsessed about.
    25. That one person in the room, you have secret jealousy inside.
    26. Desert and Island, where you want to play the survival game?
    27. Monthly budget, you spend on your makeup only.
    28. Your worst first date incident you are still embarrassing of…
    29. Have you ever tried Chinese food? And wanna try it again?
    30. That swear, you take because of someone insults you.
    31. What were you thinking, while the rest were singing happy birthday for you?
    32. After seeing your best friend with your crush, what will be your action plan?
    33. Have you ever cheated in any exam and caught up?
    34. Best friend and Crush, who is the one you save first?
    35. What are the personality and characteristics you like the most?
    36. Last time you cried that no one knows? Share us your lowest moment in life.
    37. Have you ever lied about your age?
    38. How excited are you about getting married?
    39. School or College friend? Who do you love the most?
    40. What are your career goals?
    41. Have you ever caught up eating in the class?
    42. Tell us that one thing you are hiding from your parents.
    43. Last time you visited the Jail.
    44. Have you ever stolen something?
    45. How many times do you feel that it’s true love?
    46. And that dumb things you do to get love?
    47. That one animal.. you think it matches your personality.
    48. Are you really enjoying family gatherings?
    49. Arranged marriage and Love marriage, what’s your choice?
    50. Do you drink while driving? Any incidents?
    51. Are you happy with yourself, for what you are doing?
    52. What is your guilty pleasure?
    53. Have you ever watched any typical clique movie of your parent’s era?
    54. Have you ever mistakenly sent a chat screenshot to that same person?
    55. Which reptile are you scared of?
    56. Have you ever dated your ex’s friend?
    57. Have you ever stolen anything from your friend’s closet?
    58. What was your reaction when you tried liquor for the first time?
    59. Have you stolen anything from your bench partner’s pencil box?
    60. Among us, is there any person you hated when you met for the first time?
    61. If not like this where and how could you meet each of us?
    62. What is that one word you cannot pronounce?
    63. What is that one mistake you want to correct if you get a chance?
    64. In what another creative way can you use a toilet cleaner rather than the way it is actually used?
    65. What is that one crime you want to get arrested for?
    66. Any regretful moments? Like, Blamed someone for your mistake.
    67. Have you ever worn two different footwear and realized it on your way?
    68. A dish you regret tasting?
    69. The style you would never try again?
    70. What is that one thing you want to steal from your best friend?
    71. An app that you want to exist.
    72. The person you never want to get stuck with in a lift?
    73. One vegetable that you could be and why?
    74. What can be the name of your autobiography?
    75. What title can you give to your love life?
    76. If you frame yourself in a meme what would it be?
    77. An electronic device you can’t operate?
    78. One thing you judge people for but you want to try?
    79. What would you do if you wake up and find that there are no gadgets?
    80. A spirited game you want to try.
    81. The most stupid prank you were trapped in.
    82. What nickname would you like your boyfriend/girlfriend to call you?
    83. What is the most childish thing you have ever done so far? 
    84. Which application on the phone you hate but still keep it? 
    85. What is the first thing you do when you become the president of the nation?
    86. What are your chances of you avoiding our plan for your dating partner? 
    87. Where would you be if you weren’t here with us right now?

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If you choose “Dare” then here are some Dare things to try.

Truth and dare

  1. Shows us your recent search history.
  2. Just go and talk to your crush.
  3. Rate everyone here you love the most, from 1 to 10.
  4. Name of the school teacher you secretly liked in our school days.
  5. Share your awkward project presentation again.
  6. Definition of a perfect partner from your viewpoints.
  7. The reason behind your fit body… Routine exercise or Steroids.
  8. Share your feelings you have while it’s love at first sight.
  9. Give the name of the person, you want to lock in the bathroom.
  10. Describe the best things of everyone present here.
  11. Things that make you feel proud of yourself.
  12. That fear from the current relationship, you hide inside.
  13. Suggestions for each person here, for their personality and behavior.
  14. Just “Unfriend” that one, you are talking most these days.
  15. Pretending like you are in front of your crush.
  16. Share your first job experience with us.
  17. Things you want to say to your current boss.
  18. We want you to sing for us, in an evil voice.
  19. Dance with the mop.
  20. Find a funny meme and post on your Instagram story.
  21. Keep slapping your self till your turn.
  22. We are hungry. So just order pizza for us.
  23. Say alphabets, But in Reverse.
  24. Give us a demo of what you have a plan to propose.
  25. For the next 5 minutes, act as if you are a Dog.
  26. Take a selfie and upload it now, without any filters.
  27. Just ask for a cup of sugar, from your neighbor.
  28. Like every post of the person, you get to see the first on Facebook.
  29. Show us how you cry alone.
  30. Record a trending Instagram challenge now and publish it.
  31. Act like a goat, learning alphabets
  32. Go to Facebook or Instagram profile of the girl sitting next to you and comment on her pic.
  33. Wear your underwear over your head for the entire game.
  34. Text the first person, who is live on Facebook with Hi. And reply with just Hi, 10 times.
  35. Change your relationship status from Relationship to single, and vice versa.
  36. Call the 18th contact number in your phonebook, and wish Happy birthday.
  37. Ask for Indian food at a Chinese restaurant.
  38. According to you, who has bad teeth? Ok, so Brush their teeth.
  39. Get on your knees, till your turn.
  40. Talk to yourself in the mirror.
  41. Sing like you are an opera singer.
  42. Eat ice cream with tomato sauce.
  43. Pluck three of your nose hair.
  44. Go and just hug a tree, till your neighbor notices you.
  45. Do the 40 Pushups.
  46. Take a selfie with the person next to you and post with an emotional caption.
  47. Time to headstand for 2 minutes.
  48. We want to see what you have in your purse.
  49. Talk continuously without pause.
  50. Go out and say I love you to the first person you meet.
  51. Sing and dance like you go mad.
  52. Find a trending tiktok song and dance on it.
  53. Color your front two teeth with two different colors.
  54. Call home and inform your family that you are married now.
  55. Call the last person you texted and shout on him/her.
  56. Perform 50 squats.
  57. Call the waiter and sing a romantic song for him.
  58. Call your partner and tell him/her you were cheating on them.
  59. Have a vinegar shot.
  60. Make the first five emoji faces that you have used recently.
  61. Call an old friend of yours and tell him/her that they were your first crush.
  62. Send a request to a random guy on Facebook and message them to accept the request immediately.
  63. Mimic the person you hate for 10 mins.
  64.  Show the signature steps of each song given by us.
  65. Pick up anything from here and eat it seductively.
  66. Pay the bill for dinner.
  67. Tell your mobile password.
  68. Send your one photo to your boss.
  69. Go on the road and stop a car by dancing.
  70. Till your next turn, act like you are six and lost at the mall. 
  71. Pretend you’re like your favorite celebrity and act their most iconic role. 
  72. Share the bad habit from each person you wish they know and change it. 
  73. Imitate the person you hate the most in the group, and we will guess who this is.
  74. Pretend like you’re a rockstar from the 80s, giving a stage performance.
  75. Share one thing about everyone that you secretly hate.
  76. We want you to mimic the person you hate the most in this room. 
  77. Go to any random group sitting around and start telling them a joke.

Funny Truth or Dare Questions for Best Friends

Still, looking for more crazy fun? Then, here is the updated list of the funny truth questions and dares things to do, that can make this game even more enjoyable. These questions make the best option when you have a solid bonding with your friends. Such funny truth or dare questions are enough to make this free-time entertaining, indeed. Moreover, this is the best way to know your friends or office colleagues, well. 

Funny Truth Questions

  1. Beauty or Brain? What’s your choice to have?
  2. Be frank, on How many dating sites are you registered in?
  3. Have you ever pass the blame on someone? An incident you still regret.
  4. Are you jealous of any one of us? Share why?
  5. Who is the ugliest person in this room?
  6. Where you can see yourself after 5 years, Describe us.
  7. That secret worst habits of yours, that no one knows about you. 
  8. Have you ever skipped a bath? How many times?
  9. Share with us your worst online date ever. 
  10. Name a person you hate, without any solid reason. 
  11. Have any inventive ideas or crazy visions? Something that the world needs the most.
  12. Tell us the truth, How many times have you come to college without a shower?
  13. That ridiculous thing, you cried alone.
  14. Have you ever pranked any innocent person that you still regret?
  15. Which application consumes your most time?
  16. Have you ever stolen something from a travel hotel?
  17. How many times do you feel like, It’s true love?
  18. Have you been caught cheating in the exams?
  19. What is your worst job interview experience?
  20. The person you want to be stuck in a lift with. Give us a reason, why?
  21. Describe everyone here in just one word. But, only things, you hate about them.
  22. What is the lie you have been keeping from your life partner?
  23. Name an animal that is actually a nightmare for you.

Funny Dare Questions

  1. Make a call to your teacher. Ask, when will be the surprise test?
  2. That one thing that scares you the most.
  3. Behave like a Chinese for the next 5-10 minutes.
  4. Call your older family members and ask about weekend plans.
  5. Keep jumping until your next turn. 
  6. Describe what’s your dream job like. 
  7. Mimic your favorite celebrity.
  8. Predict the future of every person in this room. 
  9. Sing like you are a mouse with a high tone. 
  10. Pretend like you are a scooter for five minutes. 
  11. Go into silent mode, till your next turn.
  12. Name a person you have to show you like, But hate for no reason.
  13. 1-10, rate yourself, How confident do you feel about yourself?
  14. Show us how many dating apps you’ve installed.
  15. Grab your personal diary and read it aloud here.
  16. Share something that you are hiding from your parents.
  17. Cut four onion and show us you can cry, too.
  18. Open a job portal and send applications to any random jobs.
  19. Locked yourself in the bathroom till your next turn.
  20. Tell your life partner that you want to go on a solo trip.
  21. Call someone randomly and say, You have a crush on them.
  22. Share your mobile lock screen password.
  23. Behave like you are Michael Jackson for the next 10 minutes.

Also Read: 20 Questions Game – 20 Interesting Questions to Ask a Guy

Embarrassing Truth or Dare questions

Embarrassing truth or dare questions

What is the purpose of playing Truth and dare games, without uncovering the secret side of your close friend? So, here presenting the list of embarrassing truth and dare questions, you need. Such entertaining tasks and questions will not limit it to a timepass play only. But, also allow you to know more about your best friend, that you probably don’t aware of.

Embarrassing dare things to do

  1. Post your selfie on social media, but without any filters
  2. Ask your neighbor to make a coffee for you. 
  3. Message your ex, that “You’re missing him/her.” 
  4. Act like a mammoth. 
  5. Pretend like you’re invisible. 
  6. TIll your next turn, act like you’re Mexican.
  7. Order food for everyone here. 
  8. Call the car showroom and inquire about a moped. 
  9. Sing loud “Happy birthday to me”.
  10. Paint every nail with a different color. 
  11. Confess something, that no one knows. 
  12. Let us all do your makeup, as Joker. 
  13. Who is that one person in our group, whom you hate the most? And WHY?
  14. Draw something on your forehead
  15. Record yourself cooking maggie and post it on your Facebook. 
  16. Share what you’ve searched in the last 2 days.
  17. Pretend like you’re a robot for the next five minutes. 
  18. Talk like Alexa or Siri. 
  19. Mimicry of someone in the group and we’ll guess that. 
  20. Take an ice bucket challenge. 
  21. Do something you want your partner to do for you. 
  22. Call your partner and inform. “It’s over.”
  23. Act like your favorite cartoon character. 
  24. Color your eyebrows and make a video call to your partner.
  25. Share your last chat with anyone
  26. Call your boyfriend without wearing any make-up
  27. Point at someone you think doesn’t deserve to be here
  28. Act and talk like a rap singer for the next 10 minutes
  29. Go on Instagram Live and tell them you are deleting your account.
  30. Take a selfie with a weird gesture and send it to your crush. 
  31. ‘Factory reset’ your mobile. 
  32. Type ‘It’s over’ and send it to your girlfriend.

Embarrassing truth questions to ask

  1. Who is the smartest and dumbest person in our group?
  2. What are your dreams that you never share with anyone?
  3. What is something that you like about yourself?
  4. Who was your childhood crush in our school?
  5. What is the tagline of your life?
  6. Share your best and worst date experience. 
  7. Have you ever cheated on an exam?
  8. Which book did you take from the school library secretly?
  9. What is the biggest fear in your life?
  10. Something that you enjoyed earlier, but now regret that.
  11. Have you even fined or charged for something?
  12. What makes you unforgettable?
  13. Do you love your neighbor or hate them?
  14. What is your favorite month?
  15. Rank everyone in this room, with your true feelings for them.
  16. What are some things that you feel grateful for in life?
  17. Have you ever thought of robbing someone?
  18. How many significant others have you till today?
  19. Are you happy with your siblings?
  20. What are the reasons behind relationship failure?
  21. The worst prank, that makes you feel ashamed of yourself.
  22. What do you prefer to do business with your best friend or a stranger?
  23. What were the funny nicknames that you hated truly?
  24. Do you talk to yourself in the mirror every day?
  25. What is your biggest turn-on?
  26. Are you serious about your present girlfriend?
  27. Have you ever kept arguing, even after knowing you’re wrong? 
  28. What is something that you have been hiding from your partner?
  29. Do you enjoy spending more time with your partner or parents? 
  30. Tell us about your secret fantasy
  31. Share the worst habit you got from your family.
  32. What is your greatest regret that you not going to recover from?

Truth or Dare Questions over Text

Truth or dare questions over text

When you are feeling bored at home and find nothing to excite you, how about playing truth or dare questions game over WhatsApp or Instagram? Yes, of course, it’s time to have some fun, playing this game virtually with your best friends. 

Even if it’s not possible to meet each other personally, you can still play this game with your friends or online groups or even on dating apps like Tinder or Bumble. All you need is to have a list of some truth or dare questions to follow over texting. To make it easier for you, here are some interesting truth and dare questions to ask over text to have some fun time along with your virtual friends. 

Truth Questions to ask over text

  1. What is something that bothers you but you can’t say to anybody?
  2. How many times have you been rejected in relationships?
  3. Share something that you feel proud of yourself.
  4. What is your regular reply when caught by traffic cops?
  5. Have you ever stolen something from a grocery store or mall?
  6. What is that one thing from your past you want to change?
  7. The average number of selfies you take a day. Is-
  8. Who deserves to be our president and why?
  9. Have you ever felt ashamed of using android?
  10. What will you do if someone reads your diary?
  11. Which country do you plan to settle in and why?
  12. Who is the one person in our group you feel inspired from?
  13. What is the first thing you hide from us before we visit there?
  14. According to you, who is the smartest and stupidest person in our group?
  15. How often do you have to clean your browser history?
  16. What annoys you the most? And why?
  17. Have you ever fallen in love with an older person than you?
  18. What was your reaction when you first time tasted beer?
  19. What do you think, are you ready for marriage or not?
  20. What is something that most people dislike about you?
  21. One creepiest thing you did in the last one year.

Dare ideas to do over text

  1. Sing any Justin Beiber’s song and post it on Instagram. 
  2. Order a pizza for me.
  3. Call any random number from your phone and ask about their valentine’s plan. 
  4. Borrow some money from your neighbors. 
  5. Share your entire personal selfie folder to Facebook, as it is. 
  6. Pretend like you are the pet of your family.
  7. Create a prank video and post it on youtube. 
  8. Pretend like your siblings, and share what they are thinking about you.
  9. Share your thoughts on relationships and marriage, like an expert. 
  10. Inform your parents that you love someone. 
  11. Write a poem for our friendship and read it aloud. 
  12. Pretend like your enemy and talk as if they usually talk about you. 
  13. Go out and shout “I want my ex back.” Three times. 
  14. Search your crush on Instagram and send ‘Hi’
  15. Take a pic of your recent mark sheet and share it online. 
  16. Pretend like you are in front of the mirror and just start talking. 
  17. Cry as if you just broke up with your loving partner. 
  18. Make your tinder profile funnier as you could and share a link. 
  19. Go to your parent’s room and just say “It’s time to leave now.”
  20. Send your partner Hi, and don’t reply anything for the next two days. 
  21. Call Domino’s and ask if they can suggest a good pizza outlet in this area.

Truth or Dare Questions for Crush

Have a crush on someone and haven’t got any opportunity to initiate further conversation? Then, playing a “truth and dare” game when you’re with your crush or a group around can help a bit. Moreover, that gives you a chance to ask those questions to crush that you want to but couldn’t.

Whereas, via dare things to do, you can check, Do they really take the risk for you even as part of an act or not? Else you can also play this game virtually with your crush online. And here are the right set of truth or dare questions for crush over text that you can use to explore something more about them. 

Truth or dare questions for crush

Truth questions for crush over text

  1. What was the first thought about me, after our first meeting?
  2. What do you expect from your future partner?
  3. Are you feeling jealous knowing I have a crush on someone?
  4. How many times have you broken someone’s heart?
  5. Who is your celebrity crush?
  6. Have you ever cried for someone, for whom?
  7. Do you have anyone on whom you have a secret crush?
  8. What will you buy with $100?
  9. Do you consider yourself a liar? How often do you lie?
  10. What is something that no one knows about you?
  11. What’s your favorite body part for girls and boys?
  12. Do you believe in Karma?
  13. What are the cutest things that someone did for you?
  14. What is something that makes you like me the most?
  15. How many times have you proposed to someone?
  16. What is something that you want me to change right now?
  17. At what age did you have your first kiss?
  18. Short partner or tall partner, what do you prefer and why?
  19. How many rejections have you faced till today?
  20. What if I tell you that I have a crush on you?

Dares to give to your crush over text

  1. Share something from your childhood that you will never forget. 
  2. I dare you to order pizza for me and my entire family. 
  3. Get outside and sing ‘wrecking ball’ loudly as you could. 
  4. Share the screenshot of your search history on social media. 
  5. Do an ice-bucket challenge in your room, not in the backyard. 
  6. Send a screenshot of your recent pics, probably selfies you took. 
  7. Record your own five-minute crafts video on anything. 
  8. Call your regular local store and ask for the birthday cake. 
  9. Share the incident when you feel the most jealous.
  10. Inform your parents that you’re arrested for overspeeding. 
  11. Call the 14th number from your contact and talk as long as you can. 
  12. Share with me a screenshot of you and your mom’s last chat. 
  13. Write a romantic poem and post it in your Facebook story. 
  14. Shave your chest or legs. 
  15. Cook something for yourself with your eyes closed. 
  16. Let me know about your secret fantasy about me.
  17. Act as if you are a yoga trainer. 
  18. I dare you to share the secret that you have been hiding from me. 
  19. Create a WhatsApp group, add our schoolmates and send the first message that you have a crush on me. 

Final thoughts:

The given truth and dare questions are our best-picked things to try on. Be sure to play these games with your mind open, also think before straightway asking and assigning tasks. As some Truth or Dare questions plus things demand mutual connection and personal bondings. After all, you want to make this free time fun rather than life-time regrets, isn’t it?

Certainly, you can try out this given truth and dare questions we have for you. Also, you can play any other party games to make your gatherings, real fun. You can also play the trending cards games, as an option to truth & dare questions game. Especially, when you all want more humour with endless fun.

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