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3 Unique Ways to Advertise a Small Business

It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there; 20% of small businesses fail in their first year of operation. And it doesn’t look so good at year 5 either, as 50% of them fail by then.

In addition to providing good products and services, you need to also advertise your brand. Otherwise, how is anyone supposed to know you’re the greatest thing to hit their town?

If you’re not sure how to show off your new business, then you’re in luck. Read on for 3 great ways to advertise a small business!

1. Get on Social Media

Online advertising is key to success nowadays. Most people are glued to their phones, so the best way to reach them is through social media.

The best thing about this approach to advertising is it won’t cost much (or at all in some cases!).

Make accounts for your business, even before you’ve opened. Have a good profile picture showcasing your services/goods and fill out the bio thoroughly with your opening date and operating hours.

Post on a regular basis, showing the progress you’re making with the shop and your merchandise (if applicable). Showing the face behind the camera is also a good idea since users will become familiar with the shop owner and they’ll want to visit even more.

If you’d like to, you can also buy online ads. But this will take a bit more out of your budget, so stick to free social media advertising instead.

2. Attend Trade and Local Events

Trade events are excellent for showing off what your company has to offer. If possible, go for the ones put on by your local communities. There are a few reasons why these are better than national ones.

First of all, getting a table at local trade events will be cheaper. Also, there’s a higher chance of interacting with locals who can drop by your store, whereas at national trade events, there are more out-of-state attendees.

3. Hire Sign Walkers

We’re all so blind to advertising nowadays since it’s everywhere. Even when it’s something non-static (like videos), it can be tough to stand out in a crowd.

However, with sign walkers, that’s a different story! Every person carries themselves in a different and unique way, so they’re sure to catch people’s eyes. Plus, these sign walkers have big personalities, which people will find irresistible.

Sign walkers will also stand at high-traffic areas with attractive and vibrant signs, so they’ll be hard to ignore. If you’re interested, find out more about what frontlinemediasolutions.com can do for you.

Use These Ways to Advertise a Small Business for Success

With these ways to advertise a small business, you won’t have to break the bank regarding advertising costs. And before you know it, you’ll see an explosion in business growth.

So make sure you invest in advertising for your small business. You’ll quickly see a good return on investment when you do miles better than your competition!

If you enjoyed learning about how to advertise your business, then make sure you read our other blog articles too!

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