Ways to encourage a restorative night’s sleep Ways to encourage a restorative night’s sleep

3 Ways to Encourage a Restorative Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is so important for your body and your mind. By getting good sleep, you will likely wake up feeling much more restored the next morning and able to function much better. Unfortunately many of you likely experience busy schedules, late nights and a struggle in balancing work and home. Even the smallest thing can disrupt your sleep, whether it’s feeling stressed about work or drinking too much close to bedtime.

If you’re hoping to restore your sleep and make sure you have a healthy sleep pattern, there are a number of things you can do. Here we take a look at just 3 ways you can try to get a restorative night’s sleep and enjoy better rest.

1. Take a bath

This might not sound like much, but taking a bath can be instrumental in helping you to unwind before bed. A warm bath can play a role in making sure your body reaches an ideal temperature for falling asleep, as if you’re too hot or too cold you might find that struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep.

However, it’s not just the temperature of your bath that you should consider. Try adding magnesium bath salts to your next bedtime bath. Magnesium is something that your body needs for a wide range of body processes, but your body doesn’t actually produce it. In particular, magnesium is helpful for muscle relaxation and sleep support.

Magnesium bath salts can be added to a warm bath and they’re absorbed by the body as you relax, preparing you for a great night’s sleep.

2. Make your bedroom sleep-friendly

It’s crucial that your bedroom is a relaxing place to help you drift off to sleep. Be mindful that you use your bedroom only for sleep, and don’t spend hours in there watching television or working. This could create a negative association between your mind and sleep.

When it comes to bedtime, your bedroom should be dark, quiet and tidy. This might help you achieve more restful sleep each night. The temperature of your room should be no colder than 18 degrees, and no warmer than 24 degrees. Otherwise, you may find that you wake up more often in the middle of the night.

Also read: Effective Ways to Sleep Better at Night

3. Maintain a regular routine

It can be helpful to try and program your brain and your body clock to expect sleep, as this can trigger your body starting to feel more tired as it gets later. Typically, you need between 6 and 9 hours per night and you should always aim to get enough sleep every night.

Look at your current routine and see what changes you could make to ensure you go to bed at a similar time. This may be easy during the week but can become more of a struggle during the weekend. You should also try and wake up at a similar time most days. This helps to regulate your sleep routine, which can make you feel much more restored in the long run.

Whatever your current bedtime routine, it’s always worth spending some time looking at what positive changes you could make. Make sure you go to bed feeling relaxed and turn off any devices and lights when it’s time to go to sleep!

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