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What to Do When Older Parents Have Trouble Remembering Things

When we hit middle age, our minds start to go. The brain begins to shrink in our 30s and 40s, with the rate increasing even more by 60. As our parents and grandparents age, they start to experience these effects in full.

Sometimes they need a little help to recall details, keep track of things, or even recognize loved ones. We all want to help them, but what steps can we take?

Read on to learn about some of the signs and steps we can take to help our loved ones who are having trouble remembering things.

Create a Routine

Older parents may have trouble remembering things for various reasons, including age-related changes in the brain. To help them, create a routine and write things down.

This can include activities such as taking a walk or reading a newspaper. If your parent is forgetful, make sure to write things down. Put important information in a notebook or on a whiteboard. Leave notes around the house to remind them of specific tasks.

But try to keep things simple for them. Helping your older parent create a routine and providing reminders can help them stay independent and retain their memories.

Stimulate Their Minds

One thing you can do is sit down with them and help them sort through old photos. This will help jog their memory, and they’ll be able to tell you stories about each photograph.

You can also play memory games with them or do puzzles together. This will help keep their mind active and sharp.

If they keep forgetting things, try to understand them. Help them out as much as possible, but also give them the space to try to remember things independently.

Be Patient and Supportive

It is essential to be patient and supportive. Help them to stay organized and try to jog their memory with gentle reminders.

If they are having trouble with basic tasks, such as bathing or dressing, offer to help them with these activities. Encourage them to stay active and engaged in activities they enjoy. 

Seek Professional Help When Needed

Many resources are available to help you understand and cope with your parent’s memory loss. Talk to their doctor or check these memory care services if you’re unsure how to approach your parent about getting help.

They can provide you with more information and resources. Memory loss can be challenging to deal with, but with the help of a professional, you can better understand what’s going on and how to best support your parent.

Having Trouble Remembering Things Is Challenging

If you have concerns about your older parents having trouble remembering things, talk to them about it. Pick a time when they feel good and try to have a calm conversation.

If they are resistant to talking about it, try to find other ways to help them keep their memories strong, such as providing them with memory books. By following these tips, you can help your older parents to manage their memory problems.

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