What to do when someone doesn't text you back What to do when someone doesn't text you back

What to Do When A Girl or Guy Doesn’t Text You Back (11 Tips to Get Faster Reply)

In the first place, there’s nothing to overreact about when someone doesn’t text you back. But, when they do this on repeat and especially when ‘that someone’ is the one you care about or texted the most before, it hurts a lot. 

We all have been in the situation when we text too much with someone, like a friend or more than that, on anything and everything. And then there comes a time when he or she starts to ignore your text, takes too much to reply, or does not reply at all. 

If you are currently in the same situation when someone close doesn’t text you back, then in this post we are going to share some helpful tips to get a faster reply and to cope with this situation the better way. 

What to text when a girl doesn’t reply to your message?

Find some tips to follow when a girl doesn’t reply to your text. These are some approaches to find out whether she’s busy somewhere or doing this intentionally to you. Moreover, learn what you can do in either case. 

What to text when a girl doesn't reply to your message

1. Call her. Let her know that you do care. 

She’s not applying your text? Pick up the phone and call her. It’s that simple. There’s nothing to worry about. It shows that you care for her and want to make sure that she’s fine. This helps you to stop any negative things or ideas going into your mind about your connection.

2. It’s okay to wait if she does not reply. But for just a few minutes, not hours. 

Relax, she can’t be the one who is on the phone waiting for your text and immediately replying to that. Maybe she’s busy in her study or busy driving her way home. Wait for a few minutes and stop expecting an instant reply from not just a girl but from anyone.

3. Ask her the right type of questions if the girl is not replying. 

When you want her to reply to you faster then it’s up to you to have some interesting conversation in the first place. When your conversation is repetitive or boring she won’t likely reply too soon. Instead, have some good questions to ask her when you’re developing the connection with her. 

4. Stop sending too many follow-up texts if you don’t get a reply. 

Don’t be so possessive or avoid sending too many messages thereafter when she still hasn’t reply your first one. It can be too much for her. You send the follow-up message, but make sure that is something like replay-worthy to her. Something like interesting questions or things she cannot resist expressing her opinion on. 

5. Move on, and never text her back again. 

Well, this shouldn’t come first in your mind when a girl doesn’t text you back. After going through all other scenarios, when you finally know that she’s doing so on purpose, that means she’s not interested in you. So it is better to accept that and leave her while sending the last text message complimenting her about the time you shared together so far. 

If you unable to reach her via call or text, you can refer some comments for girls on instagram, to make her feel smile or repspected. 

What to message when a guy doesn’t reply back to your text?

Texting a guy is a whole thing for guys than for your girl gangs. So if you are interested in a guy, but he’s not into texting or is always busy replying to you back, then here are some tips to get him to reply faster.  

What to message when a guy doesn't reply back to your text

6. Take some time before replying to his text. 

In a simple term, let him follow you. That’s what comes naturally to most girls. And that works, though. Wait before replying to his text message. This might not work in every case but in most ones. Show your enthusiasm but don’t take it too far. 

7. Stop making the wrong assumptions if he does not reply faster. 

He might not be a guy who enjoys texting or maybe busy in his office during work hours. So relax and stop making any judgments when you are not sure about the case. Give him time and space to replay you back. It may feel you inside, but he’s not actually ignoring you

8. Be the one who closes the conversation. 

We are about to say, be the one who controls the conversation. But, that’s not the right approach at all. Due to being the one who ends the conversation, you let him know that you’re not that desperate girl who wants to text anyways. Especially in the stage of developing a connection, it takes small steps than just expecting to talk or chat all the time. 

9. Have the conversation two-sided. 

He might not be into the conversation with you, when it’s all about you, your friend, or something he has no connection with. Ask him some deep questions and keep the conversation two-ended. Don’t just be the one who cares about own self alone. You need to listen to him when you want him to chat with you longer or pick you up to your call faster.

10. Contact his family members or close friends.

If you haven’t got any response from a guy for a long time, there could be some issue there. In that case, you can contact someone who is close to him, who can get to his place and confirm if he’s okay. Else, you can also approah his family member or siblings to get the updates regadring him.

11. Decide the right time to text and have a conversation if a boy does not reply back. 

This guy may be busy with some work or you have tried to contact him on his busy schedule. So, think that way, too. Accept that he might have some priorities in life and respect that, too. If he’s interested he will definitely replay. And if he’s not, he’ll never reply at all. 

Hence for the guy who takes time to replay your text, discuss the right time to have a discussion. So that you can remain focused on each other and have a great conversation together without any interruption.  

But, if he’s always busy somewhere or has no time for you, that means he’s either lost his interest in you or not feeling what you feel for him. To such a guy or girl, you need to leave them alone over keep bothering them to do something, when they’re not in it. 

Also read: Perfect Compliments for Boys [Ultimate Compilation]

Whether it’s a girl or a boy who doesn’t reply to your text, the right approach is to give them time to respond. It is important to respect their life situation and priorities. 

And when you’re not their priority, you better stop hoping to get attention from them. Just move on, rather than waiting for them to reply one day. 

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