Whatsapp bold update

WhatsApp Update: Bold, Italic & Strikethrough Formatting

The previous update of whatsapp allowed you to send documents than just media, maps & contacts. The recent update of WhatsApp also introduced Quick Reply. In the WhatsApp notification, instead of an in-line reply box when you tap the “Reply” button – a mini pop-up window shows up that allows you to respond to messages. Sadly, it doesn’t work like the new Hangouts Quick Reply feature says AndroidAuthority. Whatsapp is now considering the basic features which can enhance your chat experience and needless to mention, it commences with basic formatting options such as bold and italic.

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This new update allows you to format text as bold, italic or strikethroughs but, these options are not available to utilize easily. So, the next question would be:

How to Add Bold, Italic or Strikethrough Text in WhatsApp:


Whatsapp formatting

The options to format text in messages were only available to the beta users, but now the update for Android 2.12.535 and for iPhone the version starting from 2.12.17 supports formatting text. Just follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Make sure you’re running latest whatsapp. Download the latest version of Android from here (as updating from play store will only work if you’re a beta tester) and iPhone from here (2.12.17 atleast).
  2. Bold text in whatsapp:
    Cover the text with asterisks for bold text.
    Example: *This is a bold text*

    Make your way through: 7 Apps to Increase Efficiency

  3. Italic text in whatsapp:
    Including underscores around a message will turn the text into italic.
    Example: _This is an italic text_
  4. Strikethrough text in whatsapp:
    Add tildes before and after your text to strikethrough it.
    Example: ~This is a strikethrough~

After such improvements, animated GIFs could be the next. Till then, update your whatsapp today and stay ahead of the queue.

NB: Both the sender and recipient must be running the latest version (atleast 2.12.535 for Android and 2.12.17 for iOS) in order to receive and send texts in such format.

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