Time to share a desk

5 Reasons Why Desk Sharing Is the Right Choice for 2021 Workplaces

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, employees are expecting their companies to offer the flexibility and remote working solutions they’ve become accustomed to. More and more offices are adopting the trend of desk sharing where employees share a desk rather than having their own.

There are pros and cons of desk sharing for businesses that you need to know — it can help your company to save money and run more efficiently. Keep reading to find out 5 reasons why desk sharing is the right choice for your trending business idea in 2021.

  1. Reduce Costs

One of the key benefits of desk sharing is cost savings. Studies show that assigned desks are vacant 50-60% of the time, meaning that your company could be paying for a much smaller office and saving on rent and electricity bills.

Offering remote working and desk sharing will likely also lead to reduced absenteeism and staff turnover, which is another area where money can be saved. Employees will save money too from reducing commuting costs, so offering the ability to share a desk is a win-win situation on both sides.

  1. Foster Creativity and Collaboration

Not having fixed desks means people can book different seats each day or week, which allows staff to communicate with people they wouldn’t usually speak to. This increases creative thinking and reduces siloed working.

It also makes collaboration easier, as employees can share a desk with the people that they need to work closely with on that day. Staff can avoid distractions and sit in quiet places when they need to focus, which boosts creativity.

  1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Often for businesses, there are unexpected benefits of sharing a desk. One of these is that it allows you to reduce your carbon footprint.

Having employees work remotely more often reduces the amount they need to travel and office energy usage. These things can have a significant impact on your overall carbon footprint as a company, which is information that you can use to promote your business as well.

Also read: Trending Gifts for Your Office Colleagues

  1. Increase Interest from Talent

Offering desk sharing and reducing the need to be in the office will help increase interest from new talent and retain existing talent in 2021.

It’s important to stay up to date with workplace expectations following the pandemic to maintain morale, employee well-being, and workplace culture. Practices like desk sharing are a great way to reduce employee turnover, which helps to save time and money.

  1. Learn More About Your Business

Desk reservation systems can provide your business with useful analytics on peak usage times and how many desks are being used. This can fuel business decisions and help you to see what’s working well and which areas need improvement.

Find out more by looking at a beginner’s guide to desk booking solutions.

Time to Share a Desk?

There are pros and cons of sharing a desk for both the businesses and employees. The benefits of asking your employees to share a desk are significant, so it’s worth considering if desk sharing could be right for your business in 2021.

Find out more business-related tips on our blog to stay up to date with trends this year.

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